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Empire State Of Mind, Jay-Z and Alicia Keys- Performed by New Directions
Every Rose Has Its Thorn, Poison- Performed by Sam Evans
Telephone, Lady GaGa and Beyoncé- Performed by Rachel Berry and Sunshine Corazon
Kilby Girl , The Backseat Lovers- Performed by Nicholas Henley
Billionaire, Travis McCoy and Bruno Mars- Performed by New Direction Boys
Listen, Beyoncé- Performed by Sunshine Corazon
What I Did For Love, A Chorus Line- Performed by Rachel Berry
Heal, Tom Odell- Performed by Nicholas Henley


Here is what you missed on Glee... Quinn gave birth to her baby, Finn and Rachel are madly in love and they worked really to get to regionals but they didn't win. It's okay to no win an award when you had so much fun getting there, right...right? Oh, and Nick and Quinn are like super complicated and not even talking anymore and he has officially left the New Directions.  And that's what you missed on Glee...

Nick was under the bleachers with Layla and her friends, he was introduced to them at a party.  He barely knew their names he was convinced they didn't know their own with how high they always were. Nick had Layla against the bleachers in a heavy make out session, when he hears an irritating voice, "And here we have former glee club member Nick Henley drowning his sorrows with his tongue down the throat of Mckinley High's party girl Layla Boston. Rumour has it he is heartbroken after having a summer fling with the Quinn Fabray and decided to quit the club..." Nick puts Layla back on her feet and turns around, "That's not true. That is fake news Jacob. Fake news and besides me and Quinn... we were never a thing."

"As you can see the ice hockey star is in denial after Quinn rejected him. Oh, he is getting angry, we better move especially after he hit his own dad last year!" Nick goes to follow Jacob, but Layla stops him, "Just leave him, he's a dick. Now come back here." Nick reattaches his lips back to the girl and ignores the bell going off in the background.

The next morning Nick is downstairs eating his breakfast. "How was school yesterday?" His grandad asks.
"Boring as ever." Nick mumbles out, eating a spoonful of cereal.
"Is that why you missed all your classes?" Nick freezes and looks at his grandad, "It wasn't... I didn't skip they must've got the wrong person."
"You can't lie Nico. You look down too much. Anyway your guidance counsellor the Pilsbury woman rang home and said you had also quit the glee club. Is that true Nick?" His Grandad sits across from him looking at him with a face full of concern. Nick rolls his eyes and leans his head back, "Look Grandad, I will do better today I promise. I gotta go, I've got a shift afterschool as well." Before Harold has a chance to reply, he can hear the sound of the front door shutting.

"Guess who?" Nick puts his hands over Layla's eyes. "Hmmm is it one of the guys I've been hooking up with this summer?" She whispers back. Nick lets out a gasp and then stands in front of her, "One off? Babe I thought I was the only guy for you?" She laughs and then leans into him, "You're such a loser Henley, now come on lets skip next period?" She goes to drag him away from the courtyard, but he stops her when he sees the New Directions carrying a boombox, "Oh sweet jesus." Nick watches as they begin rapping to Empire State of Mind, he can't see Santana, Quinn or Britt, but the second the  chorus hits they appear. Nick can't help it as his eyes betray him, involuntarily sticking to Quinn, like she's a magnet. He watches her body roll on the hand rail and he cannot tell if his mouth has fallen open or not. "You can play with yourself. I'm going." Layla huffs seeing the boy's attention diverted away from her and walks away. As the performance ends nobody batters an eye lid. Nick walks away a part of him wishing he'd been performing with them.

Stubborn Love- Quinn FabrayWhere stories live. Discover now