A Fuse Ignited

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There's No Way, Lauv and Julia Michaels- Performed by Nicholas Henley and Quinn Fabray
Are We Still Friends?, Tyler The Creator

A Fuse Ignited

It was New Years Eve and Nick had decided to go to Tyler's party. It was his first one, since what happened at the start of the school year,with Layla's friends spiking him. He was apprehensive about going, but he knew he needed to. Walt wanted to drop him off but Wilma insisted on it, knowing the coach would've been trying to keep tabs on his players antics.

Nick was having a good night until the football team walked in. Nick hadn't drank much and found himself glaring at Karosfky all night instead. As stood in the kitchen with a red cup in his hand, taking sips every so often, a familiar voice speaks to him, "I don't think you've blinked in the last 10 minutes." Nick turns to see his cousin sat on the kitchen counter, "I guess all those staring contests as kids paid off." Nick chuckles fondly, thinking of how close they once were, but it falls again when he remembers who her dad is.
"You still not talking to me?" She asks and takes a sip from her cup.
"Why are you at a party? You hate them?" Nick responds, but not looking over at her.
"Why are you avoiding my question?" Mack defiantly counters, crossing her arms. Nick huffs as the girl waits for her answer,  "I don't know what you want me to say Mack." He mumbles, his feet becoming suddenly interesting.
"How about start with telling me what I've done wrong?" She suggests and hops off the side, walking over towards him. He looks at her scoffs, "You want me to believe that you don't know what your precious dads done. He's fucked my life up Mack!" Nick spits out.
Mackenzie obnoxiously laughs at the boy, their voices beginning to raise drawing the attention of others, "What the hell are you talking about? You seemed to be doing a fine job of fucking your life up by yourself."
"Wow!" Nick looks at her hurt, as she seems to be daring him to go on, "So you really do agree with your dad... I'm so much like my father that I can't live with pops anymore."
Mack's face falls as she looks at Nick lost, "I don't know what you're..."

"Hey! Hey! What's happening here?" Ty walks over standing between the two heated cousins, "That's enough of that for you." Ty swipes the cup out of Nicks hand.
Nick sighs as he looks at him, "Is that seriously what you think... that I'm drunk and being a dick for no reason?" He doesn't wait for a response and instead he heads for the door.
"Nick where are you going?" Ty shouts after him.
"Away from this bullshit Ty." He calls back slamming the door as he walks into the cold night.

Nick was walking the streets, he could hear the parties raging on behind closed doors. Laughter filling his ear as his hands are stuffed in his pockets mumbling to himself, still livid about his cousin lying about knowing what her father had done. Nick hears the sound of a car slow down next to him and the window open, he doesn't look up and just calls out, "No thanks I don't want any drugs."
"Nick what are you... jeez! Come on get in the car!" He stops and turns seeing a red jeep,
"Why have you come after me? I'm fine!"
"Yeah, you look it! Why are you avoiding me? Just come get in the car and I'll drop you home or wherever!" The girl begins to plead.
"Look Fabray I appreciate the kind gesture, but me and you we were never friends. We both know that..." He begins to harshly say, but is cut off by Quinn, "Fuck you!" Her car door flies opens as she steps out marching towards him, he gulps, "No seriously Henley Fuck you! How long are we going to be doing this for, I care about you..."
"Don't!" He cuts over her.
"Don't what?" She asks.
"Don't say you fucking care alright. Everyone who cares leaves me!" He yells, not releasing how agitated he's getting.
Quinn however, is not backing down, "What and you doing this? Pushing people away is helping?"
He stops for a second and ponders on what she's just said, "You're right...I'm sorry."
"Now will you get in the car?" She enquires as he nods and walks round to the passenger side.

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