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Funny Girl, Barbra Streisand- Performed by Shelby Corcoran
Bad Romance, Lady GaGa- Performed by New Direction Girls and Kurt Hummell
Shout It Out Loud, KISS- Performed by New Direction Boys
I Was Made For Loving You, KISS- Performed by New Direction Boys
Crazy Crazy Nights, KISS- Performed by New Direction Boys
Beth, KISS-Performed by New Direction Boys
Poker Face, Lady GaGa- Performed by Shelby Corcoran and Rachel Berry


A new week meant new drama. Tina Cohen-Chang currently sat in the choir room in normal, but abnormal to her clothes. "I feel like an Asian branch Davidian." She expresses, as everyone begins suggesting new looks she can try,
"Look I appreciate guys, but it just isn't me. I know who I am an im not allowed to show it. Its like communism." 
"You've dressed like this before twilight even came out... all this Team Edward and Team Jacob crap. I mean I'm personally Team Charlie, that stash I want one like that one day." Nick admits as everyone looks at him, luckily for him Rachel storms into the room declaring that they had a problem after she had been spying on Vocal Adrenaline, "I found 18 empty boxes of Christmas lights."
"Pardon the pun, but can somebody please enlighten me with why that a problem?" Nick asks, as Kurt tells him to shush.
"Oh no!" Tina seems to understand what Rachel is talking about, the girl carries on explaining as Mercedes and Kurt then click on.
"Oh no!"
"Sweet Jesus!"
"What?" Mr Schue asks, just as confused as everyone else who doesn't understand the code the 4 are talking in.
"They're doing gaga!" Kurt tells him, causing Rachel and Mercedes to join in the panic.

"What's up with this Gaga dude? He dresses weird right? Like Bowie?" Puck states.
"Lady Gaga is a woman. The biggest pop act to come along in decades, she's boundary pushing! The most theatrical performer of our generation, and she changes her look faster then Britt changes sexual partners!" Kurt ridicules the boy.
"That's true." Britt adds on.
Mr Schue then has an idea that they can help find Tina a new look and also find a competative number for regionals by doing Gaga.

Finn and Nick were walking down the hall after the rehearsal. It felt a little bit awkward between them and Nick wasn't really sure why.
"Finn are we good?" Nick stops and so does the taller boy.
"Yeah man why wouldn't be?"  Finn replies, but doesn't meet Nicks eyes.
"We just haven't, well we haven't spoken for a while and I just feel like I have done something wrong. Just be honest with me if I have, I can handle it." Nick tells the boy and he sighs, "Okay, its just you and Quinn. All of a sudden you seem close and I just felt a bit put out, I felt stupid that maybe it wasn't just Puck she was seeing..."
"Woah, woah Finn let me stop you there. I told you about what happened with Puck and Quinn. For me and Quinn it's strictly friends nothing more. I promise."
"I believe you, I'm sorry man I should have just spoken to you. I kind of have a habit of just flipping out, rather than using words." Finn admits as Nick laughs.
"Really I haven't noticed..." Nick sarcastically replies as Finn playfully glares at him, but then holds out his fist, which Nick gladly returns. They carry on walking and then Finn stops his best friend, "Nick I'm really sorry about your mom by the way... I know you didn't want sympathy and its not I just..."
"Finn its fine... thank you!" Nick smiles at him as Finn follows after him, hands in his pockets, but shoulders feeling a lot lighter.


The next day as Nick is walking down the corridor, he sees Puck and Quinn talking, he looks over as he hears Quinn shout, "You wanna name our daughter Jack Daniels? She's a girl!" Nick looks over as Quinn catches his eye, "Stop listening Henley and mind your own business." Usually when Quinn Fabray spoke to people like that they would back down, but for Nick, it made him laugh, "Stop shouting and I would have a choice on whether or not I chose to listen." Quinn scoffs as she turns her attention back to Puck, who offers 'Jackie Daniels' for a name instead.
Nick feels a little bit sorry for the boy as Quinn continues to yell about how she is giving the baby up and walks away from a crestfallen Puck.

Stubborn Love- Quinn FabrayWhere stories live. Discover now