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Dancing With Myself, Billy Idol- Performed by Artie Abrahams
Defying Gravity, Wicked- Performed by Kurt Hummel and Rachel Berry
Proud Mary, Tina Turner- Performed by The New Directions
Numb, Linkin Park- Performed by Nicholas Henley


Things at home had gotten even rougher for Nick, his dad seemed to be on a rampage for some reason that Nick was unaware off. The teen was sat in his room playing with Buster when his phone lit up,

Quinn: Do you know if breadsticks is hiring?

Nick: Hello to you too Fabray. I'm not sure I can ask though? Who's it for?

Quinn: Not in the mood Henley. For Finn, he needs to get his head out of his ass and get a job to help support me.

Nick: You around tomorrow?

Quinn: Gym bleachers. 9am.

Nick looks at his phone confused knowing that she'd been kicked off the Cheerios so was confused as to why she wanted to meet there, but he decides not to question it. He looks over at the envelope sitting underneath one of the books on his desk and makes a decision to what he wants to do with it.


The next morning Nick heads down stairs and to his is surprise he is greeted by his Dad with a coffee mug.
"Dad?" Nick calls out, his dad turns and smiles at him.
"Oh hey son! I was just going to take Baxter out for a walk." Lincoln sips his coffee and smiles at his son.
"Buster? And you feeling okay dad? You just seem..." Nick begins confused at the way his father is acting right now.
"Different? I haven't touched alcohol in two days... look I know I'm not a great dad but I'm gonna try and get sober. Okay?" Lincoln tells Nick, patting him on the shoulder as he walks by. Nick watches him leave grabbing Busters lead on the way out, his dad then reopens the door, "I forgot the dog! Buster, come on!"

It was 8:55 when he arrived at the gym and saw Quinn sat on the bleachers. She was watching the Cheerios rehearse and was wearing a crestfallen face. He walks up and sits down next to her as she stares straight ahead, "You're early."
"Well I come with good and bad news, which do you want first?" He tells her, as she rolls her eyes and doesn't reply, "Erm okay so I'll start with the bad news. Breadsticks isn't hiring..." she looks at him and glares, "But, but, but, here you seem like you need it more then me. It's my tips from the last few months."
She looks down at the envelope he's holding out to her, "Nick I, I can't accept this. I'm not a charity case, I don't need your money."
"I'm not saying you're a charity case at all, I'd much rather donate elsewhere and it's not much. I'm just trying to help out a an acquaintance in need." He tells her, she hesitates and eventually takes the envelope.

"I... I don't know what to say." Quinn mutters.
"Thanks? Might be a good start." He retorts nudging her with his arm, he looks down and sees Finn heading towards them with a frown on his face. Nick stands up and walks past the boy, who is glaring at him.
"Hey Finn." He greets trying to diffuse the weird tension.
"Nick." He nods and heads up towards his girlfriend. Nick gets to the steps and turns when he hears his name called, "Nick! Thank you!" He nods at her and walks out of the gym doors.

Nicks sat in the choir room with Mike and Matt at the back.
"So are you still dating Britt?" Nick asks Mike trying to make light conversation.
"No, no that was like a two day maybe one day thing. We have a creative dance chemistry that is unrivalled." Mike replies, then looks at the boy, "Why are you interested in her?"
"Oh no, no I love Britt but she's kinda like the little sister you want to guide and protect." Nick replies looking over at the girl who is staring into space.

Stubborn Love- Quinn FabrayTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang