The Sue Sylvester Shuffle

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California Gurls, Katy Perry- Performed by The Cheerios
What A Time, Julia Michaels and Niall Horan- Performed by Quinn Fabray and Nicholas Henley
Need You Now, Lady Antebellum- Performed by Noah Puckerman and Rachel Berry
Angel, Jack Johnson- Performed by Nicholas Henley
Supercuts, Jeremy Zucker- Performed by Nicholas Henley
She's Not There, The Zombies- Performed by McKinley High Titans and New Direction Boys
Bills, Bills, Bills, Destiny's Child- Performed by The Warblers
Thriller/Heads Will Roll, Michael Jackson/Yeah, Yeah, Yeahs- Performed by New Directions and McKinley High Titans

The Sue Sylvester Shuffle

It felt like Quinn and Nick were back at square 1. They weren't purposely avoiding each other, but they weren't speaking unless they absolutely had to. Walking down the corridor Nick was glued to his phone texting his girlfriend whose birthday it was today. He stopped when all of a sudden he felt himself hitting the lockers, his phone sliding out of his grasp smashing against the floor. He looks up to see who barged him unprovoked and his blood boils.
"What the hell Karosfky!" Nick shoots up and watches as the boy storms away not even looking back at Nick.
"Hey you okay!" He hears the voice of his cousin, she puts his hand on his arm as he looks at her, "I'm fine... thanks." He picks his phone up looking at the cracked screen, "For fucks sake." He whispers out in frustration, hitting the locker behind him.

The two cousins are uncomfortable knowing that the last time they spoke it was an argument, in front of a lot of people on New Years Eve.
"Nick... I promise I didn't know and I'm so sorry that my dad has done this to you." Mack apologises.
Nick exhales deeply, "I shouldn't have been angry with you Mack... you're not your dad. I hate being compared to mine and I was being an absolute hypocrite." He looks at her as she takes a step forward, the two embracing tightly in a much-needed hug. Nick then feels another pair of arms wrap around the two, hearing Tyler's voice boom out, "Thank god! My two fave cousins have made up!" The pair laugh as they let go, knowing that no matter what they had each other's backs.

Nick walked into the choir room for the first glee rehearsal of the new year. He stops in his tracks seeing Artie covered in red dye from a slush.
"It was awful!" The boy in the wheelchair breathes out evidently cold.
"Karoskfy's just barged me and broke my phone as well the dickhead. He's on a war path... per usual!" Nick pats Artie's shoulder handing him a towel out of his bag. Nick looks up to see Finn standing up in rage, "That's it. Screw rehearsal this ends here and now." Nick joins the football boys with leaving the choir room, not really knowing of the beef that had happened in the football game earlier on in the week.

Just as they're about to leave the football players walk in, "So this is what the ladies' lounge looks like on the inside."
"This is the choir room, so put up your fists, you and I are gonna do some dancing." Sam exclaims, as Nick cringes at the boy's use of words. However, Nick grimaces when he sees Finn belittle Sam, "No I got this Sam." Pushing the blonde boy back who throws Finn's hand off of his chest.
"Coach Beiste told us to come. Where is she?" Karoskfy states holding a slushee cup in his hand.
Nick eyes him suspiciously, "They're better not be anything in that cup and you owe me a new phone you dick." At that moment Coach Beiste walks through the players looking stern, "Everyone have a seat."
"You too guys." Schuester taps Nick's shoulder whose in a stare off with Karosfky, "Nick move come on." He huffs as he makes his way to a seat.

"Alright New Directions lets give a warm welcome to the newest members of glee club." Mr Schue nonchalantly announces. There is outrage between both camps, as both teachers explain the rules off what is going to be happening.
"If I have to stay I am singing no show tunes, that is the music of my oppressors!" Azimio calls out.
"Do you even have any idea what we do in here?" Finn scoffs at the boy.
"No. None of them do, we have to show them. Nick, Quinn seeing as I asked you guys to do a duet at the wedding and you didn't how about you show us now?" Nick defiantly stands up glaring at the football team as he picks up a guitar, while Quinn hesitantly stands in the middle of the choir room.

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