The Substitute

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Conjunction Function, School House Rock- Performed by Holly Holliday
Forget You, Ceelo Green- Performed by Holly Holliday and New Directions
Make Em Laugh, Singin In The Rain- Performed by Will Schuester and Mike Chang
It'll Be Okay, Shawn Mendes- Performed by Nicholas Henley
Nowadays/Hot Honey Rag, Chicago- Performed by Holly Holliday and Rachel Berry
Get You Down, Sam Fender- Performed by Nicholas Henley
Kiwi, Harry Styles- Performed by Nicholas Henley with Sam Evans and Finn Hudson
Singin In The Rain/Umbrella, Singin In The Rain/Rihanna- Performed by New Directions, Will Schuester and Holly Holliday

The Substitute

Nick was sat in the choir room, but he was not paying attention at all to his teacher. He was sat in the back on his phone, smiling down at the texts he was getting from Delilah.

Delilah: Shouldn't you be focusing on glee rehearsal? I mean you need it cause we're gonna beat your asses at regionals 😉

Nick: You talk a strong game Delilah. Care to make a bet?

Delilah: Hmmm what kind of bet Nicholas?

Nick: If we win I get to kiss you again...

Someone nudges Nick as he waits for impatiently for a reply. He looks up at Mr Schue who is sweating and looks very clammy as he stares confusedly at the teens in front of him, "Erm I think I'm gonna go see the nurse. But first I think I should get you guys a sitter." He walks out the room leaving everyone very confused.

Once Schuester walked out the room Rachel shot up writing the words 'Me' on the board, "Class in Mr Schuesters absence, I'd like to ask everyone what solos they'd like to hear me perform at sectionals." Santana shoots up and both Sam and Nick try to grab her to stop her from attacking Rachel, who just stands still screaming.

As Nick walked towards the ice rink for the first game of the season, he hadn't had a response from Delilah. He was going to text her again, but he knew it would be too much, so he put his phone in the locker and hope he'd have one by the end of the game. Sitting down after he'd got changed Coach Williams walked in with his clipboard, "Right tonight boys we play with pride, we play with freedom and most importantly we play for each other. You look around this room and notice someone missing?"
"Yes coach!" the team calls out.
"That's because he didn't follow or respect my rules and I am telling you boys now, I have zero tolerance for bullies in this team. If I see it or hear it you're out, you understand?" The boys don't reply, "I said do you understand?" The coach states sternly.
"Yes coach!" They shout in unison.
"Now we're gonna go out there and put on a show. Let's go Knights!" The coach yells as the team starts cheering and banging their sticks.

Nick was tearing up the ice by the end of the 2nd quarter, it was evident that he meant business and he wasn't messing around. He wanted the scouts to be at his games that coach Williams spoke about, the college offers, he wanted to go all the way with the sport straight to the NHL and be drafted. Nick glanced up and was happy to see some of his fellow glee mates in the stand, pretty much everyone was there minus Puck, Artie, Sam and Quinn. He was disappointed not to see Quinn in the stands, but he is pleasantly surprised to see someone else in the stands. He wanted to wave but he stopped himself knowing he needed to keep his head on the game.

By the end of the 3rd period William McKinley Knights had won 4-2 with Nick scoring 2. He skated over to the home section crowd and waved at his glee club members he then turns slightly and points at Delilah and mouths, "Spy" At her. She looks behind her and then points at herself, "Me...never." She walks down the steps to talk to him and this does not go unnoticed by the New Directions who are at the game.
He takes his helmet off and stands waiting for her, "Hey." She greets as she meets him.
"I didn't think you'd actually come." Nick responds knowing that he'd said it in passing to the girl on one of their shifts.
"Well I wanted to tell you my side of the bet in person." She smirks at him.
"Ooo and you couldn't have texted me that instead of leaving me on read." He playful fires back.
"But then me being here wouldn't have been a surprise would it?" Delilah retorts.
"I don't know if I like your style, but I am intrigued to hear your side of the bet." He leans on the barrier.

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