Part 6

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It's a few weeks later and this one kid from the basketball team won't stop bothering you.

He keeps pestering you about the charity game y'all played and how you were late, completely overlooking the fact that the students won all thanks to you.

He was just being annoying in general. He really knew how to push your buttons.

It's currently lunchtime and you're walking outside as the weather is nice.

"Look who's here," the guy says in his annoying, high-pitched voice. "It's the loser that almost lost us that game," he continues. "He must have a death wish," you hear someone murmur hearing his words.

"Pipe down, Miller," you reply harshly. "Get yourself in line,"

"Look who's talking, you don't get to tell me shit." Miller replies as he gets in your face.

You take a step back. "Miller, you are literally the worst player on the team, so you better check yourself before you're kicked off. You are the last person who can talk shit on the team." You tell him.

"Fuck you" miller replies. "Look I get it, you're insecure or whatever that you're literally the worst but that game was literally 2 weeks ago, why are you still talking about it? Is that literally the only thing you have to talk about "

"Insecure? Me? That's funny. You're the one that ruined the game." Miller says.

"From what I remember you didn't score any points in that game. In fact you didn't even get an assist." You reveal not caring anymore with the 30+ other people sitting outside within ear shot.

"You better shut up or we're gonna have a problem" Miller pipes up.

"What, what are you gonna do?" You say this time stepping up to him yourself as you look down to meet his eye level as you were taller than him.

You could see that he was intimidated but he was the type of cocky jerk that won't stand down.

He quickly threw a punch at you. You saw it coming but didn't bother to block or dodge it. You wanted him to hit you so he would get in more trouble as you would be defending yourself .

His hit was pretty weak, but it hit you right in the nose causing a few drops of blood to drip from your nose.

As he went for another swing you blocked it and punched him in the gut causing him to lose his breath.

He continued coming at you so you hit him a few more times before he fell on the floor and you decided it was enough. You weren't trying to hurt him too bad after all.

The crowd watches the fight but no one says or does anything to try break it up. Lena comes outside too as she sees you turning to walk away from the guy with a bloody nose.

As you start to walk away "yeah that's what I thought" you hear Miller say as he finally stands up.

As soon as you hear those words leave his mouth you grin, you turn around toward him again with a slight smile on your face as you give him the 'you're joking right?' look as you raise your eyebrow.

At this point you are ready to beat the shit out of him but you decide against it. You saw Lena approaching earlier and decided that you don't want her to see that, she already hates you enough as is. So you just walked away and continued on with your life.

The guy was clearly terrified of you and was just putting up a tough guy front but everyone saw right through it.

You went to the bathroom to clean up your nose before heading to class.

You both ended up getting in trouble. You got suspended for 2 days and he for 5 since he was the one that started the fight.

It was totally worth it in your opinion, you got more hits in and got less punishment.


It's the next day and since you didn't need to go to school due to your suspension you hung out with Lex since he didn't have any classes on Fridays.

You went out with some other mutual friends in the morning and then the two of you went back to Lex's house in the afternoon.

When you came to Lex's house you grabbed some snacks and put on a movie in the living room. Lex's mother Lilian came downstairs soon after.

"Y/N? Shouldn't you be at school" Lillian asks when she spots you on her couch. "I got suspended" you respond simply.

"What?" Lillian asks her voice mixed with confusion and slight disappointment. "She got in a fight" Lex tells her. "Shut up dude" you whisper to Lex as you punch his arm.

"It was self defense" You reply quickly. Lilian looks at you not saying anything at first, before mumbling an 'okay' not being fully convinced.

Lillian then walks out of the room and you scold Lex for the way he told her. "Dude, what the hell?" You ask. "Even your mom is disappointed in me now, you could have phrased that a bit better" You exclaim.

"No she's not, you're overreacting" Lex says. "Did you not see the look on her face, my parents used to look at me like that... before they drank themselves to death" you reply, bringing up some of your deepest traumas without realizing.

"Your mom is the closest person I have to a parent figure" you say "please don't make her hate me" you say with a laugh trying to lighten the situation.

Lex now feels a little bad for blurting it out like that, he often forgets the shit his friend has been through, growing up with abusive alcoholic parents, and how hard it is for you to trust people and really let them in.

"Sorry dude" Lex replies apologetically. " It's no problem, you're right I kinda overreacted, she is your mom after all you should be able to tell her whatever you want" you say regretting even saying anything as you don't think it was fair to dump all your past traumas on him like that.

Lex already knew everything about you, your shitty family and what you've been through. He was one of very few people that knew about your past. Even the rest of Lex's family just knew that your parents are dead but not how they died or what they were like.

"Let's just finish this movie" you say after a short pause.

Lillian was just in the other room, she overheard their conversation, she wasn't listening on purpose but she was within ear shot so she heard everything anyway.

She felt bad for making you feel bad but she didn't want to say anything since that was obviously a private conversation and not something she was meant to hear.

She never realized just how bad you had it, she always felt sorry for you that you lost both of your parents and especially both on the same night. But now that she found out more she feels even worse.

Lillian always treated you like you were a part of the family and she didn't realize just how much that must have meant for you, especially now that you have no one, no parents, no siblings.

Lillian was going to make an effort to include you in their family as much as she could, since she already loved you like her own it won't be hard. The hardest part will be acting like she doesn't know anything beyond what she had known all along.

My bully | Lena Luthor x G!P readerΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα