Part 12*

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A few days later

You and Lex were chilling by the pool as it was a nice day out. Lena comes home from meeting her friends and goes to the kitchen to get a drink before going to her room.

"Hey mom," Lena says as she enters the kitchen seeing her mother. "Hi honey, how are you?" Lilian asks. "I'm okay," Lena replies simply.

As Lena pours herself a drink, she spots you and Lex through the kitchen window sitting by the pool. She stares at you for a few seconds too long, causing you to spot her.

Once you see her, you move your hand in a come here motion, inviting her to join you two outside. Lena quickly turns away as her face turns a slight shade of red.

It was getting harder for her to deny her feelings, but she didn't want to get hurt. Especially given your history, she thought it might all just be a joke if you return the feelings.

Lilian tries to contain her laughter as she witnesses the interaction. "What's so funny?" Lena asks, annoyed, seeing her mother trying to hide her laugh.

"Oh honey," she says softly, causing Lena to just stare at her mother sternly. "How long are you going to keep hiding it?" Lilian asks.

"What? Hiding what?" Lena asks confused. "Okay look, it's obvious. I know it, your dad knows it, Lex knows it... everyone knows that you have a crush on her" Lilian finally says.

"WHAT? no i don't, i literally hate her." Lena says denying her feelings. "Umm, okay sure" Lillian says sarcastically. "Whatever," Lena says as she storms out, going to her room. "You know she'd be good for you!" Lilian says loudly before Lena goes out of earshot.

Lena puts her drink on her bedside table and plops down on the bed. She cringes at the conversation she just had with her mom. She is baffled that apparently everyone knows that she's been crushing on you. Was it really that obvious.

If everyone, including her dad, who was rarely around due to being busy running their company knew. But there's also a chance that her mother told her dad, in which case maybe she's just acting like it's obvious because she wants you to date, Lena thought.

Lena began to think and overthink the whole situation. What if you did actually like her and what your relationship would be like if you started to date. What would Lex think about it? Would he be mad? But he tried to tell you that Lena has been crushing on you, so he probably wanted you two to date, maybe.

Lena's thoughts began to wander, going over every possible scenario, but it did not help her make a decision of how she should go about this situation.

Lena also tried to think through her past few years of life to figure out where it all changed and everything that led to this point. She knew for a fact that she detested you for a long time, but then these other feelings popped up and she didn't know when or why.

Looking back, Lena realized that maybe you weren't as bad as she thought. Thinking back on all your previous encounters, most of it was just pretty harmless teasing, and didn't seem to have malicious intent, although it was not how she interpreted it at the time.

Obviously there's a reason she fell for you and she couldn't stop thinking about it. All the what ifs floated around her mind. She needed to decide soon how she wanted this to go before it's too late.

Smut warning

Lena found herself pressed against her wall as you connected your lips to hers. She kissed you back hungrily until you both pulled away needing air.

You grabbed the bottom of her shirt as you pulled it over Lena's head, kissing her again. You slowly walked her towards her bed, pushing her down on it.

You ran your hand up her sides before unclipping her bra and throwing it across the room.

You moved from her lips, kissing her jaw and moving to her neck. Lena lets out a soft whimper as you find her pulse point and suck on her neck before you start moving down her body.

You kiss down her chest and give some attention to her breasts before kissing all the way down her stomach to the band of her sweats.

You look up at her, your eyes meeting asking for permission with your eyes to pull down her sweats. Lena sees the lust in your eyes as you make eye contact, nodding for you to continue.

You pull her sweats and underwear down together slowly, also hooking her socks and pulling everything off.

You look at her one more time, "yes- please," Lena moans out. You kiss back up her thighs and then place a soft kiss on her clit. You swipe your tongue through her folds causing her to let out a whimper.

You continue to work her clit for a while before you start to tease her entrance with your fingers. You push two fingers in slowly.

You start with a slow pace letting her get used to the intrusion while you continue to suck on her clit. "Fuck- faster" Lena moans out.

You speed up your thrusts as you move your tongue and go up to kiss her again while you quickly pump your fingers inside her.

"That feels so good- fuck" Lena moans holding onto you tightly as she nears her orgasm.

"I'm so- I'm so close" Lena moans out between breaths. You continue pumping your fingers at the same pace as you connect your lips again.

Lena screws her eyes shut as she nears her orgasm. Suddenly everything stops and she hears the sound of her alarm.

Lena quickly opens her eyes, seeing the light coming in through her blinds. She turns off her alarm quickly and covers her face with a pillow from embarrassment, realizing that it was a dream, but also sad at the timing of the alarm.

She was shocked by how real it all felt, she felt as though your touch still lingered on her body although you were never there.

She wasn't sure how much longer she could handle this, this was surely some form of torture. But if anything she realized how much she wants you, but now she has to find a way to tell you and hope it's not too late.

Lena couldn't even remember falling asleep last night, she either fell asleep really early or she spent a lot more time just thinking then she thought.

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