Part 25

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A little while later

Today was the day. Lena had received all of her college decision letters, and so had you. This was a much more important day for Lena as she wanted one college in specific, whereas you didn't mind as much as you just hoped it's not too far from Lena.

You drove to her house nice and early, the sun still rising as Lena was too excited to wait and didn't want to open them alone.

You let yourself in as per usual and went straight to her room, seeing her sitting on her bed staring at the wall.

"Hey," you say as you walk in and she smiles immediately, greeting you with a kiss. "Ready?" You ask as you put down your stuff and join Lena on her bed.

"As I'll ever be, I suppose," Lena replies softly. Lena began opening letters, most were accepted, some on the waiting list, yet the most important one was still unopened.

Lena's dream college, MIT. She held the letter in her hand, staring at it. "I'm too nervous. Can you open it for me?" Lena asks as she can't bring herself to do it.

"Seriously?" You joke "you'll get in for sure," you say as you take the letter from her, pealing it open slowly.

"Moment of truth," you say, smiling as you take out the piece of paper. You open it up and your eyes scan it for a second before your smile drops, "what!" Lena says, worried.

"I'm only messing," you say grinning "you got in!" You add excitedly. "Oh my god," Lena whispers as she hugs you. "You're an asshole," she mumbles into your neck, which causes you to chuckle.

"I'm so happy for you," you say as you kiss her head. It was really no surprise to you or anyone that Lena got into her dream college. She was so smart and she always achieved the best possible results.

You knew from the start that she would apply there, and you knew she would get in. Not wanting to do long distance, you decided to apply to colleges near MIT so you could both move there together.

"I have something to tell you," you say seriously, causing Lena to raise an eyebrow. "As you know, I applied to colleges near MIT so it wouldn't be so long distance," you say and Lena nods in response.

"Well I also kind of jokingly applied to MIT as well and I brought my letter too," you say as you pull it out of your back pocket. You honestly don't think that you could get in, but it was worth a shot.

"Why didn't you tell me?" Lena asks exitedly, "Come on, open it," she adds. "I already know I got into a few colleges in the area, so just keep that in mind when I open this okay?" You say and she nods.

She needed to know that regardless of the outcome, it's still a happy day for you and especially for her, that should not be ruined by the outcome of this letter.

You open the letter and pull the paper out. You take a deep breath and open the letter. "Wait, what the fuck... I actually got in!" You almost fall off the edge of the bed with excitement. "I can't believe it" you add.

"This is literally the best day ever" Lena laughs as she pulls you in for a long kiss. You were absolutely shocked to have actually got in, even though your grades were just as good as Lena's, you still doubted yourself.

This was literally the best thing ever, no long distance, no commuting at all. You can see each other everyday, hell you can even move in together.

You'll be able to do cute little study dates and help each other out. You'll get to experience college life together, which was all you could ever ask for.

This was going to be the best time of your life, you just knew it. There was still so much ahead of you as a couple and as individuals and you couldn't wait to do it all with Lena by your side.


You began looking into your accommodation well in advance, so you wouldn't have to worry about it during summer. MIT requires first years to live on campus for the duration of the year and you two were going to dorm together.

This first year of college may be very eye opening, you'll be able to see if you two can live together and be around each other all the time. How well you can support each other and just deal with possibly stressful situations.

For the time being, your aim was to just have the best summer possible. Spend a lot of time with your friends and just have a lot of fun before you start college and have to focus on your studies.


The end of summer arrived and you were packed up and ready to go. You loaded the last of Lena's stuff into your car before you said your final goodbyes to the Luthors and set off.

The drive was quite long but you enjoyed every moment together, blasting music and having fun on your mini road trip.

You got some food when you got to the city before you went to view your college dorm and move your stuff in.

Classes were starting in 3 days so you had some time to unpack and settle in. The dorm was pretty simple, 2 beds, 2 desks, 2 wardrobes and a bathroom.

Lena looked around in awe when she walked in, the place was pretty empty but it still looked amazing. The room was bigger than she had expected it to be.

The beds were small which will take some getting used to as it would be pretty cramped for 2 people as you were going to share a bed.

Lena puts her bags down and so do you, she then sits on the bed in the corner against the wall which is probably a good idea as it leaves a barrier on one side of the small bed, reducing the chance of one of you falling out.

You walk up to Lena as she sits down, you lean into her as you crawl onto the bed which causes her to fall to her back.

"We should test how good these beds are hmm" you say with a small smirk playing on your lips as you pin her down on the bed.

Lena chuckles cutely "what kind of impression are you trying to leave on our neighbours?" Lena questions teasingly, keeping in mind that many other students are also moving in today and walking around outside their room.

"What? Are you saying you can't be quiet?" You whisper in her ear, your breath tickling her ear making Lena laugh.

"Let's unpack" you say after a short pause as you get off her. "Y- you didn't even-" Lena starts causing you to grin "-you were just teasing me" she says in disbelief which makes you smile and pull her up off the bed.

"There'll be plenty of time for that" you husk in her ear before you peck her lips and let go of her to start unpacking.

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