Part 26

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You and Lena were fully unpacked and settled in. Classes were starting tomorrow and you have very mixed feelings about it.

You were excited but you also knew that you'll have a lot of school work to do after months of no school during summer.

The few nights that you have slept here went pretty well. Turns out a bed this size is quite enough for two people when you sleep cuddled up all night anyway.

Yesterday you bought a fridge after making sure it was okay with administration, and bought a bunch of snacks and drinks to keep you going between meals.

There were meals provided in the school dining hall, which was great as there was only one little kitchenette per floor which meant chances of using it were slim.

"How do you feel about classes starting tomorrow?" You ask Lena as you lay in bed, her head on your chest.

"I'm quite excited." Lena smiles as she adjusts her head on your chest. "Of course," you smile "wouldn't expect anything different."

Luckily neither you nor Lena had early classes. Most days you only started at 10 except Tuesdays, which were the worst days it seemed.

Your schedules were actually pretty similar, which was a little surprising. But then again, your courses are quite similar and probably even overlap at some points.

You both hung up a copy of your schedule on the fridge for reference, just so you could see when each other would be back and any free periods you have together.


You wake up just before your alarm at 8 am the next morning. You admire Lena's beauty as she sleeps for a few more minutes.

She cuddles into your chest when she sleeps, pulling you in even closer when the alarm rings. She hides herself in the crook of your neck as she covers her head with a blanket, making you chuckle.

"Come on, we have classes today," you tell her, but she doesn't want to hear. She doesn't want to get up and just mumbles something inaudibly instead.

You run your fingers through her hair and stroke her head gently. "Okay okay I'm up." Lena sits up with her eyes still closed, she was still half asleep.

You laugh at her state. This was quite unusual. You thought she would be thrilled to start classes. "Come on, let's go get breakfast," you say as you get up to start getting dressed.

Lena groans in frustration as you leave her alone in bed but follows suit anyway, getting ready quickly.

After these last few months it was going to be hard to be separated for so long every day for classes.

You and Lena had a talk last night and decided it was better not to broadcast your relationship before you know what kind of people you're around.

You weren't exactly going to hide your relationship. Just cut out the pda. Not that you really displayed your affection in public other than hand holding. But now it was just strictly friendly hugs.

You got to breakfast and there were a lot of students already there. A lot of them sat in groups already and you were glad to have someone you already knew with you.

You and Lena grabbed your food and sat at one of the few empty tables. After another 15 minutes all the tables were occupied.

You and Lena were just eating your breakfast and chatting away when a blonde approached your table.

"Hi sorry," she says getting your attention. "Do you mind if I sit here? There's no tables left," she asks. She approached your table as she thought you two looked like you would be nice.

"Yes, of course," Lena answers as you nod in agreement. "Thanks," she replies. "No problem," Lena assures.

"My name is Kat, by the way, or Katrina if you want to get technical," she says a little awkwardly, not really knowing what to say.

You smile at her nervousness "Y/n" you say, introducing yourself. "And I'm Lena, nice to meet you," she says politely.

"Nice to meet you too, so what are you studying?" She asks, trying to make small talk as not to make it awkward.

"I'm doing Computational Science and Engineering," Lena says and Kat nods in acknowledgement and then looks to you "electrical engineering," you say simply. "Impressive," she says as she looks between the two of you.

"What about you?" You ask. "Biology," she answers. "What do you want to do? Doctor?" Lena questions continuing the conversation.

"That's the plan," Kat answers simply. "Are you a first year too?" Lena asks and Kat nods yes.

"We should hang out some time," Kat says and you both agree. "How long is your degree?" Lena asks.

"Like 6 years," Kat answers, knowing the long road ahead of her. "Myself and Y/n are taking extra classes every semester, so hopefully we'll be done in 2 instead of 4" Lena tells her.

"Good luck with that," Kat says with a genuine smile. "Thanks," Lena replies as you all finish your breakfast.

"We'll see you around," Lena says as you both stand up. "Actually we should exchange numbers first," Lena says and they trade phones with each other to put in their numbers.

When Lena gets her phone back she creates a group chat with you and Kat in it. You save Kats number in your phone and she does the same with yours.

It's nice to make another friend before you even started attending classes. Speaking of which you had class in about 30 minutes.

You and Lena went back to your dorm and prepared for your classes. You went for class a little early as you walked Lena to her class before going to your own on the next corridor.


The first week of lectures went pretty smoothly. The professors went through the course content for their class and you couldn't complain so far. It all seemed pretty straightforward.

You weren't doing too much in each class for the first week, but you knew it would get harder when they started giving out assignments.

You didn't want to jinx it, but maybe college isn't going to be that hard for you after all, even with the extra classes you're doing to complete the degree faster.

You went through high school without ever really needing to study, so surely you could get through college with just a little more effort.

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