Part 35

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By the middle of the week, you quickly realized just how many people saw that video. Anywhere you walked with Lena or without her you got stares as students seemed to whisper about you as you walked by.

It was weird to say the least, that many people constantly looking at you was a little unsettling. Before this incident no one really realized who Lena was, but now it seems everyone knows.

The most likely scenario was that a couple of students saw the video and then shared it with their friends who shared it with other people and eventually everyone at college had seen it.

Luckily you were good at ignoring such things. You acted the same as you always had. You hope that everyone will get over it in a week or two and stop rudely staring at you and Lena.

"How was your day?" Lena asks as you return to your dorm room. "Same shit, different day. You?" You say simply. "Yeah same," Lena grumbles.

"People really got nothing better to do. Shouldn't they like be focusing on their education instead?" You complain as you lay down on the bed.

"They'll get over it eventually," Lena states and you hum in agreement as she joins you on the bed, sitting in your lap.

"Not gonna lie, it's a little weird that the whole college knows about us," you chuckle, "but we might as well embrace it then, right?" You ask.

"Yeah." Lena agrees with a smile as she connects your lips in a kiss. "Maybe that asshole Jack will stop trying to get with you." You laugh as you pull away, causing a chuckle to escape Lenas lips "yeah hopefully."


The next 2 weeks seemed to drag on as students continued their staring, but luckily in the last few days it seemed to happen less and less often.

You really couldn't understand why it was such a big deal anyway. It's not like there weren't any other couples in the school, gay ones too.

There was definitely an increase in the number of people that would approach you and Lena, trying to be friends which you knew only happened because they now knew that Lenas family is rich.

You never planned on making too many friends as you would be done with college in under 2 years and heading back to National City. Kat was your best friend and you had a few other friends too, which was more than enough. At least you knew they didn't have ulterior motives as you met them before they knew anything.

Due to the extra attention you were getting, you and Lena were laying low for these last couple of weeks, which meant you haven't been going on dates much.

The weekend was quickly approaching so you decided to take Lena to a movie on Saturday that she has been wanting to see, followed by dinner at a nice restaurant.


Lena rambled excitedly as you pulled up in the parking lot as she has been so excited to see this movie. It made you smile seeing how giddy she was.

You connected your hands as she stepped out of the car, locking the door behind you. You bought the tickets in advance to make sure you could get seats as it was still a relatively new and popular movie.

You went up to the counter getting some drinks, popcorn and sweets to share. You chuckled at the small squeal that escaped Lenas lips as you sat down in your seats, which seemed very out of character for her.

She realized it too as she quickly covered her mouth and laughed slightly embarrassed which made your grin widen.

You thought the movie was pretty good and you could tell that Lena enjoyed it a lot. She couldn't seem to take her eyes off the screen for a second.

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