Part 42

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You woke up bright and early the next morning, getting back on the road by 7 am to make sure you make it home by lunch.

The car was quiet as you drove, Lena looked tired so you didn't bother her by playing music or anything, letting her sleep if she wished to.

Lena dozed off a couple of times before waking again. You were surprised how tired she was but figured that it was the road trip taking a toll on her.

She fell into a deep sleep after 2 hours of driving, you smiled as you saw her sleeping form.


A couple of hours later you brushed Lena's thigh gently to wake her up without startling her. "We'll be at your house in twenty," you told her as you saw her eyes open slightly.

You knew that she wouldn't want to be sleepy when she got back so you woke her up to give her time for the sleep to leave her.

Lena grumbled something in reply, making you chuckle at her sleepy state. "Hmm, what?" Lena asks looking at you as she heard your laugh.

"Nothing, baby." You say back in amusement. "You're high on sleep." You say with another laugh.

"Whaaaat, I wasn't even sleeping," Lena defends barely keeping her eyes open. "Sure baby." You reply causing Lena to death stare you, which just looked funny.

Lena finally managed to wake up properly, excitement taking over to be home. You pull into her driveway, it was just past 12pm now.

She basically jumped out of the car as you pulled to a stop, having sat in the car for 5 more hours. You chuckled at her dramatics as you stepped out, stretching your legs.

"Come on. Let's go in," Lena says, pulling you by your hand, excited to see her parents again. It was adorable.

You all embraced in hugs as you greeted each other. Going out to lunch to catch up with what happened over the last few weeks.

You spent the rest of the day unpacking and chilling watching some TV after the long drive. It felt good to be back. You kissed Lenas cheek out of nowhere, surprising her, as you started to think about your future.

"What was that for?" Lena asks surprised, looking up at you. "No reason. I just can't wait to make you my wife." You smirk.

"Aww, me too" Lena smiles as she pulls you in for a kiss. "Speaking of, when would you like to get married my love?" You ask as she cuddles into you.

"Soon as we can. Maybe in August?" She asks. "Two and a half years, huh?" You say with a chuckle, realizing that in August it will be 2.5 years since you started dating.

"Yes. Plus the weather is usually still good, the temperature pretty hot but not too hot." Lena points out.

"I mean in that case we need to start planning, we only have two months." You tell her. It shouldn't be that hard to plan, you didn't want anything extravagant after all.

You were aiming for a decently small wedding, you didn't have many people to invite from your side, other than your friends. Lena agreed that she wanted just friends and family to attend too.


Lena woke up in the morning and you were not in bed beside her which made her pout slightly.

Where had you gone off to she wondered. Lena begrudgingly rolled out of bed and went to take a shower.

She started getting dressed as she walked around the room in her bra and undies. She pulled on her pants and the door opened as she buttoned them.

"Baby, where were you?" Lena asks as she turns around, but was instead met with her mother. "Oh mom? I thought it was Y/n" Lena says, not having expected her mother to just waltz in without knocking.

"I just- wait is that..." Lilian says trailing off as her eyes are drawn to the necklace on Lena's neck with a ring. Lena groans mentally at the realization that she was wearing it and her mom saw it since she hadn't put a shirt on yet.

She didn't want her to find out this way. Lilian picks up the ring attached to her neck and observes it, it was very clearly an engagement ring. "Lena. You got engaged?" Lilian asks in surprise.

"Yes mom." Lena grumbles. "We were going to tell you tonight" she sighs as the surprise was ruined.

"Tell us what, hmm. I didn't see anything." Lilian says, slowly backing away trying to not show her excitement, making Lena facepalm. "It's fine mom, you can tell Dad too. We didn't have anything special planned anyway." Lena says.

You were going back to Lenas room to see if she's awake yet. You met Lilian leaving the room and she just gave you the biggest grin ever.

"What is up with your mom? She seems... overly happy?" You ask as you enter. "She saw the ring." Lena answered simply. "Walked in here, without knocking and I hadn't put a shirt on yet." Lena grumbles.

"Well then. The cats out of the bag." You say, you were somewhat releaved. You didn't particularly like so much attention and telling everyone at the same time would have been... chaotic, you thought.

"I might as well go tell Lex then, he'll be offended if he finds out from your mother and not us." You say with a chuckle.

"Yeah, go," Lena whispers, pecking my lips. I left the room and went to Lex's, knocking on the door. I heard him shuffling in the room and the door opened a few minutes later.

"Lexi boy," I say as he opens the door, making him roll his eyes. He never really liked being called that.

"Come in," he says as he moves aside, not saying anything about the nickname. "I have news for you bro." I start off with as he looks at me curiously

"It wasn't exactly supposed to go like this but your mother ruined the surprise so I'll just say it. Lena and I are getting married." I say, watching him carefully.

He furrowed his eyebrows slightly making me a little worried which he could probably sense as he started laughing. "I'm only messing with you. I'm so happy for you!" He exclaims as he pulls you into a tight hug.

"Asshole." I mumbled as we hugged. "we're thinking of August for the wedding." I inform and he looks at me, "like next year?" He asks and I chuckle with a shake of my head.

"No, in two months." I confirm and he gasps, "so soon. All that planning usually takes ages." Lex says.

"It will be fine. It's only close friends and family so it won't be a big one." You assure. He seemed more nervous about the time limit then you were, which was hilarious.

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