Part 38

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The last couple of weeks were quite stressful and packed with exams. You finished your very last one, breathing a sigh of relief as you finished writing.

Over the last few weeks you have been thinking about your proposal and the perfect way to do it. But you wanted to get one part out of the way, the ring.

Lena was going to be distracted as she still had exams, so it would be the perfect opportunity to go ring shopping without detection.

You would have liked Kat to come with you but unfortunately she also had exams to prepare for.

The following day, as Lena went out to go do her exam, you left quickly after. You visited a couple of jewellery stores looking at all the options, but none of them felt right.

You were beginning to feel disappointed by the lack of rings that you liked as you entered the final store. You looked at their collection and had some hope. It was closer to what you were looking for, at least.

As you talked to the employee, you found out that you can customize your jewellery, jackpot, you thought. You continued talking to the employee, finding out that it could take anywhere from 2-8 weeks to make a custom piece.

You stressed to the employee that you will be gone in just about 3 weeks and that you need it done before then. He assured that it would be done on time, so you went on with the process of customizing the ring.

You paid a deposit for the ring and an extra payment to make sure that they expedite your order and get it done as soon as possible.

You went back to your dorm happily as you were sure you had made the perfect ring for Lena. You stopped by Lenas' favourite food place on the way to grab some food as you knew she would be back from her exam by now.

Lena was still in her coat as you came back to the room. Looks like she only made it back just before you. "I was just about to text you," Lena says without looking at you as you walk in the door.

"Well, I'm right here. And I brought food," you say happily. Lena looks at you as soon as she hears the word food. "Oh my god. I literally love you," Lena cheers excitedly as she sees you holding the bag with the logo of her favourite place. She takes it from your hand and brings it to the table quickly.

"Seems like you love the food more," you chuckle as she barely even looks at you before taking the food.

"Sorry, I'm just starving," Lena grins as she turns around and kisses your lips, during which time you undo the buttons of her coat, finishing with the last one as she pulls away.

She turns back around for the food and you take the opportunity to slip the coat off her shoulders and hang it on the hook on your door before taking off your own coat.

You join Lena to eat as you chat about these last few exams and once again about how quickly these last two years had passed.

It was crazy to think that you have been pretty much living together for 2 whole years at this point as even on holidays you were always at the Luthors.

You couldn't help but admire the girl in front of you as you sat in a comfortable silence. Your heart fluttered as you thought about her hopefully being your soon to be wife.

Just the thought of calling her your wife left a fuzzy feeling in your stomach. Regardless of how young you both are, you knew that this was it. It was her or no one. It really was that simple.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" Lena asks with a smile as she notices your gaze fixed on her. "Do I need a reason to look at you?" You ask her as your eyes meet hers.

"Maybe I just want to look at my girlfriend," you add with a small smirk. "Ugh, you're so cute," Lena gushes as she pulls you in for a kiss. "I do try," you laugh as she pulls away.


You organized a little picnic to go out with Kat while you were still here. You wanted to spend as much time together, just the three of you before you had to depart back to National City.

Graduation was in a weeks time, but you were staying for an extra 2 weeks after as you had planned to spend some time with your friend.

"You know what we need to do before we leave?" You ask directing the question at Lena as you lay on the picnic blanket. "We need to find Kat a boyfriend," you smirk, answering your own question.

"Uhh, no," Kat disagrees. "A girlfriend then?" You ask, pretending to be confused. "Neither, I don't have time to date with college and stuff." Kat says.

"Nothing wrong with a summer fling," you chuckle. "That probably wouldn't work. Feelings are unpredictable," Kat argues.

"Yeah, you're right. I would know, " You chuckle as you gesture to Lena with your head jokingly. "Heyyy," Lena groans displeased. "I'm only messing, love. We also started dating in winter, so if anything, it would have been a winter fling," you joke.

"I guess we'll just have to settle for finding you some new friends," you huff jokingly as you bring your attention back to Kat.

"There's no one here good enough to replace us," Lena laughs. "Damn right," you agree. "I'm sorry, Kat, but it looks like you're on your own." You say with a sad expression.

"You guys are so annoying," Kat huffs playfully. "That's why I love you guys," she adds with a pout.

"Oooooh, we got a love confession," you laugh, causing Lena to push you playfully at your joke. "She pushed me because she's jealous," you whisper loudly, pretending to shield your face as you said it.

"I'm going to miss you guys. You've honestly made these last 2 years much more bearable." Kat says, causing you and Lena to smile at her.

"Who knows, maybe Lena will still come back," you laugh. "Plenty more degrees to get." You add.

"I guess we'll just have to see where life takes us," Kat says confidently causing you to nod your head slightly in agreement.

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