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There are wounds that never show on the body that are deeper and more hurtful than anything that bleeds." - Laurell K. Hamilton

Isla Isabelle POV

As ma'am's footsteps faded, leaving me alone in the dimly lit basement, I huddled in the safety of the dark corner. The voices from upstairs grew louder, mingling in a noise of anger and frustration. 

I pressed Mr. Bun-Bun tightly against my chest, seeking solace in his soft presence, finding comfort in his steadfast companionship. With each muffled word that reached my ears, my heart skipped a beat, for I knew that the tumultuous voices belonged to ma'am and sir. 

Their heated arguments reverberated through the house, carrying the weight of their discontent. I could not comprehend the specifics of their disagreements, but I understood the underlying tension and hostility that permeated their relationship.

As the voices continued to clash, my fragile body quivered, the fear of their anger seeping into my very core. I clung to Mr. Bun-Bun, burying my face in his plush fur, seeking refuge in his silent presence. He became my shield, my confidant in this cruel world, his velvety touch offering a brief respite from the chaos that engulfed my young life.

In the midst of the chaos, I whispered softly to Mr. Bun-Bun, sharing my fears, my hopes, and my dreams. He listened without judgment, his button eyes filled with empathy. Together, we created a sanctuary in that dark corner, a haven where innocence and imagination could flourish amidst the turmoil.

"Whore, get up and dress properly. Someone wants to meet you upstairs," sir commanded, his tone laced with contempt. Reluctantly, I rose from the cold basement floor, my body aching from the abuse inflicted upon it.

He unchained my feet, his touch sending shivers down my spine, and handed me a delicate dress. In that moment, I felt a flicker of excitement, a glimmer of hope that perhaps something positive awaited me upstairs. 

However, the glimmer was quickly extinguished as he made me strip before him, exposing my vulnerability and stripping away any semblance of dignity that remained.

With a dehumanizing act of humiliation, he doused me with a bucket of water, the icy liquid shocking my fragile form. I shivered, both from the cold and from the profound violation of my being.  As the water dripped from my trembling body, I reluctantly donned the pretty dress he had given me.

"I howpe he downt take bawck the dwess because it weally pwetty," I whispered to myself, my voice barely audible, as I clung to the fleeting innocence that remained within me.

"Don't speak unless you're told and follow my rules while you're upstairs, understood, slut?" sir's words cut through the air like a chilling gust, his grip on my delicate arms leaving bruises in their wake.

I glanced nervously at sir's friend, the same man whose presence always filled me with discomfort. His leering gaze made my skin crawl, and I knew all too well the inappropriate touches he would inflict upon me, violating my innocence in unspeakable ways. 

Fear clenched my heart as I looked upon his grotesque figure, his size and appearance only magnifying the dread that consumed me. It was a twisted secret shared between ma'am, sir, and their friends—an unspoken agreement that allowed them to subject me to unspeakable acts.

After ma'am and sir's friend finally departed, leaving behind a lingering aura of discomfort, they forced me to change back into the tattered and soiled clothes that were my daily attire. The dirt and grime clung to my frail body, a constant reminder of the life I was forced to endure.

With a heavy heart, I embarked on my never-ending chores, my small hands scrubbing and cleaning the cramped confines of our dingy living space. As I dutifully wiped the window, my gaze inadvertently shifted to the outside world, where children frolicked and laughter filled the air. 

Their carefree spirits and innocent joy stirred a longing within me, a desire to experience the simple pleasures of childhood that seemed forever out of reach. In that fleeting moment, as I watched the children revel in their freedom, I couldn't help but wonder when it would be my turn to join them, to feel the warmth of the sun on my face and the grass beneath my feet. 

When would I be allowed to witness the beauty of a sunrise painting the sky in hues of gold and crimson, or the serenity of a sunset casting a mesmerizing glow across the horizon?

As I ventured into the dimly lit living room, the stench of alcohol and drugs permeated the air, a testament to ma'am and sir's debauched lifestyle. 

There they lay, sprawled across the couch, lost in a drunken stupor. Their slumber provided me with a fleeting opportunity, a chance to quell the gnawing hunger that had plagued me for days.

Quietly, I tiptoed into the kitchen, my steps careful and deliberate. I scanned the meager contents, desperately seeking sustenance amidst the barren shelves. 

And there it was, a moldy, forgotten loaf of bread that had long outlived its freshness. With no other options, I snatched it up, a mixture of disgust and desperation mingling within me.

I devoured the bread hastily, fearing the wrath that awaited me if caught stealing from ma'am and sir. Memories of a previous transgression haunted my thoughts—the torment I endured for daring to satisfy my hunger. 

They had forced me to consume the stolen bread until it made me sick, only to force me to eat it again, cruelly denying me any semblance of mercy.

The pain was pervasive, both physical and emotional. The burns on my hands, a reminder of their wrath, throbbed incessantly, the searing sensation refusing to subside. 

The bruises that adorned my body, a testament to their unrelenting abuse, made every step a painful reminder of my fragile existence.

Returning to the solace of my bedroom, clutching Mr. bun-bun close to my chest, I sought refuge in our whispered conversations. Mr. bun-bun was my confidant, my silent companion who listened without judgment, offering a small glimmer of comfort in the darkness that surrounded me.

As I held Mr. bun-bun tightly, my tiny fingers traced the worn fabric, and my thoughts wandered to the mystery that lay within. You see, Mr. bun-bun was not merely a stuffed toy; he harbored a secret, a hidden treasure that had intrigued me for as long as I could remember.

In the depths of my despair, I had discovered a necklace tucked away inside Mr. bun-bun. A delicate chain adorned with a locket, it held a picture of six handsome boys, their smiling faces frozen in time. 

I had often wondered who they were and why ma'am possessed their photograph. The image evoked a sense of longing within me, a yearning to know more about these unknown individuals who held a place of significance in ma'am's life.

But the answers eluded me. Ma'am and sir kept me isolated from the outside world, withholding information and denying me access to the truth that lay hidden beneath their lies. 

The boys in the photograph remained a mystery, their identities locked away, much like the life I longed to embrace beyond the confines of my prison-like existence.


I hope you like the story my Lily

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