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"The secret to being happy is accepting where you are in life and making the most out of everyday." - Unknown

Isla Isabelle POV

As I changed into my cozy clothes after the refreshing hot shower, a sense of disappointment washed over me when Papa and my other older brother left for work without bidding me farewell. My little hands crossed in frustration, and a huff escaped my lips, expressing my annoyance at their sudden departure.

However, Gio, always attuned to my emotions, approached me with a solution to lift my spirits. "Love, let's watch a movie in the theater room," he suggested, a playful glint in his eyes. Excitement coursed through me, knowing that I would have the chance to indulge in the magical world of Disney princesses once again.

Confusion flickered across my face as I responded, "B-but d-don't you h-have w-work, G-gio?" I had assumed that like Papa, he too had obligations that required his attention elsewhere.

Gio chuckled softly, his eyes filled with warmth and affection. "Today, little one, I've decided to take a break from work and spend the day with you," he explained, his voice brimming with tenderness. "You're my priority, and I want to make sure you have a wonderful time."

His words washed away any lingering disappointment, replaced by a surge of joy and gratitude. It was a testament to the love and devotion that Gio and our family shared.

"Can you go and call your brothers? Let them know that we're planning to watch a movie," Gio said. I headed upstairs and decided to wake them up one by one. I chose to start with Emi's room. As I entered, I saw him lying on his bed, engaged in a phone conversation. He seemed quite upset, using curse words while talking.

"Bro, what the hell are you saying? I'm not interested in that girl," Emi exclaimed, frustrated with the person on the other end of the line.

"She's been staring at you ever since we arrived there," the voice on the other end replied.

"H-hey, Emi, G-gio m-mentioned t-that we're a-all g-gathering i-nn t-the t-theatre r-room to w-watch a m-movie," I finally chimed in, as he seemed to be taking forever to notice my presence.

"Oh my God, little bee, you scared the shit out of me!" Emi exclaimed, his eyes widening as I suddenly appeared in his room. His initial shock quickly turned into amusement as he noticed my mischievous grin. He made a comical face in response, causing me to burst into laughter.

As the laughter subsided, a voice came through Emi's phone, interrupting the moment. "Alessandro, who's that girl?" questioned the person on the other end, their tone laced with curiosity.

Emi's eyebrows furrowed in confusion as he held the phone closer to his ear. "My sister," he replied simply, his voice carrying a sense of pride.

"What sister? You don't have a sister," the person on the phone countered, their confusion evident.

"I'll explain it to you when we meet at school," Gio responded, ending the call abruptly. He turned his attention back to me, a determined look on his face. "Okay, love, let's head to the theatre room to watch a movie," he suggested, extending his hand towards me.

I smiled, taking his hand in mine. "L-let's g-go t-to Lu-Lu's r-room first," I proposed, referring to our other brother, Adriano. I knew he would be excited about the movie night too.

When we reached Luca's room, Emi and I gently woke him up, knowing that he could be a heavy sleeper. As he stirred awake, his eyes still heavy with sleep, we excitedly informed him about our plans to watch a movie. To our surprise, he grabbed his quilt and sluggishly got out of bed, mumbling something about wanting to sleep in the theatre room.

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