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"The journey of healing begins when we let go of our pain and embrace our own path towards happiness." - Unknown

Piero Antonio POV

As I entered the police station, the solemn atmosphere weighed heavily upon me. The sound of shuffling papers and hushed conversations filled the air. My eyes scanned the room, seeking the officer with whom I needed to finalize the necessary paperwork. That's when I noticed her—the little girl, tucked away in a corner, her appearance disheveled and her countenance marked by fear and vulnerability.

My heart sank at the sight of her dirty clothes and the visible signs of neglect on her small, trembling body. How could Natalia, her own mother, subject such a fragile soul to such harsh conditions? Anger surged within me, the instinct to protect and nurture overpowering.

I approached the girl cautiously, mindful of her fragile state. Kneeling down to her eye level, I offered a gentle smile, hoping to convey warmth and reassurance. "Hello there, sweetheart. Are you alright?" I asked softly, my voice carrying a blend of concern and empathy. 

Her eyes, filled with a mix of apprehension and longing, met mine briefly before averting their gaze. She hesitated, unsure whether to trust me. I extended a hand, a gesture of comfort and support, waiting patiently for her response.

After a moment of hesitation, she tentatively reached out, allowing my hand to encircle hers. The connection was delicate but significant—an unspoken promise that she wasn't alone in this world. With care and compassion, I vowed to provide her with the safety and love she so desperately deserved.

"We h-have same e-eyes and n-nose sir" she said with her little voice that make my heart melts with her cuteness an innocence in her eyes.  

"Indeed, vita mia, we do have the same eyes and nose," I replied, my heart melting at her innocent observation. I couldn't help but be captivated by her sweetness and vulnerability.

"Vita mia, please don't call me 'sir.' I am your father my name is Pierro Antonio Caruso I'm 40 years old, what about you my love?" I reassured her, my voice softening even further. It pained me to hear the confusion and sadness in her words.

Tears welled up in her eyes as she spoke, recounting what she had been told by Natalia. "I am Iswa Isabelle Cawuso I'm twee, B-but ma'am t-told me t-that my f-father d-does n-not want m-e," she whispered, her voice trembling.

My heart ached at her words, realizing the depth of the lies and betrayal that had been forced upon her. With a gentle touch, I wiped away her tears, my voice filled with sincerity and love. "It's not true, vita mia. I love you with all that I have. I promise I won't leave you again, and I will always protect you." 

As I saw the fury in Vita Mia's eyes upon hearing her referring to Natalia as "ma'am," my heart swelled with a mix of protectiveness and anger. It was evident that there were deeper wounds inflicted upon my dear daughter, and I vowed to uncover the extent of the mistreatment she had endured.

Seeing her play with her hands anxiously, I gently encouraged her to open up to me. "Vita mia, what's troubling you? You can tell me anything, and I promise I won't be mad," I reassured her, my voice filled with sincerity and empathy.

Tears welled up in her eyes as she mustered the courage to voice her concerns. "Will you also give me boo-boos like ma'am and sir?" she asked, her voice trembling with fear and vulnerability. The pain in my heart deepened at the realization that she had suffered physical harm under the hands of those who should have protected her.

With every ounce of sincerity, I leaned closer to her, looking into her eyes with love and compassion. "No, my precious Vita Mia, I will never hurt you. I promise you that. You are safe with me," I said firmly, willing her to believe my words.

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