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"Family is where life begins and love never ends."

Isla Isabelle POV

As I played with Bullet and Blaze, a sense of worry lingered in my thoughts about meeting the rest of the family. Would they like me, or would they treat me the way Ma'am and Sir did? I yearned for their love and acceptance, just like the unconditional love I received from Papa and my brother.

Lost in my thoughts, a light nudge on my hand snapped me back to the present. It was Bullet, patiently waiting for me to throw the ball so he could fetch it. His presence was a comforting reminder that I wasn't alone in this new family dynamic.

Principessa, let's go to the kitchen and eat some snacks," Gio, my brother, suggested, his voice filled with affection. As he reached down to pick me up, Blaze growled protectively at my side, startling both Gio and Me.

"Blaze, bad dog! It's not good to do that. Gio wants us to eat," I scolded Blaze gently but firmly, wanting to diffuse the situation and maintain a sense of harmony. The reprimand caused Blaze to bow his head and whimper, understanding that his behavior was not appropriate.

Seizing the opportunity to redirect their attention, I noticed Bullet returning with the ball. With confidence, I commanded both Bullet and Blaze to accompany me to the kitchen. They obediently followed, sensing the change in atmosphere and my desire to create a positive environment.

As we made our way to the kitchen, the presence of the dogs by my side filled me with a renewed sense of security. Their loyalty and obedience reassured me that, despite any reservations from others, I had allies who would stand by me.

As we entered the kitchen, my eyes widened at the sight of a beautifully arranged spread of fruits and bread on the table. It was evident that preparations were underway for the arrival of the family. Anxiety began to build within me as the reality of meeting them set in, despite them being my own flesh and blood.

Papa's voice broke through the nervous thoughts that swirled in my mind. "The family will gather here to meet Belle," he announced, further intensifying my anxiety. The thought of facing the scrutiny and judgment of my extended family made my heart race.

Adriano, ever curious, inquired, "Everyone?" Papa nodded in affirmation, explaining that even Grandma and Grandpa would be present. The revelation struck everyone with surprise, as they rarely visited Italy, despite owning multiple houses here.

Papa, interjected, "Make sure to prepare everything, and Salvatore, tighten the security when everyone arrives." The weight of the situation was palpable, and Papa reminder to ensure our safety added another layer of unease.

Papa's gaze shifted to me, his eyes filled with a mix of concern and reassurance. "They will be here tomorrow morning, and it's crucial that everyone is home when that time comes, alright?" he instructed, his words carrying a sense of urgency. He directed the maids to make the necessary preparations for our impending family gathering.

As the conversation continued, a mix of anticipation and apprehension hung in the air. The kitchen buzzed with activity as the maids hurried to ensure everything was in order. The aroma of freshly baked bread mingled with the anticipation that filled the room, creating an atmosphere that was both enticing and nerve-wracking.

In the midst of it all, I couldn't help but feel a sense of vulnerability. The thought of being scrutinized by family members who were relative strangers to me evoked a blend of fear and longing. Would they accept me, love me, and see beyond the scars of my past? Or would I be met with judgment and rejection, adding to the pain I had already endured?

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