★彡01|02 - "Come back safely, please."彡★

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The invitations shocked the people of the North, to say the least. The United States of Auradon had pretty much neglected the kingdom's existence after they refused to unite under King Beast's rule and, therefore, most of the children who'd gotten invitations to study at Auradon Prep turned the invitations down and went on with their lives without a second thought.

There was one, though, who decided to accept the invitation in the name of moving her country towards the future. The only problem in her way was the fact that her mother was not as fond of the idea as she was.

"Are you sure?" Merida asked for the hundredth time that day, her accent thicker than usual as she worried for her only daughter.

"Yes, I am, mom," Y/n confirmed again.

"And as soon as—"

"—something goes wrong, I'll come back home," Y/n finished for her mother, her bag swinging over her shoulder as she took a few steps forwards to hug her mother. "I'm going to miss you."

Merida sighed, patting Y/n's hair. "I'm going to miss you, too, bairn."

Y/n smiled, letting go and picking up her bow and arrows. "And remember, mom, I'm only a call away."

"I know. Take care, alright?"

Y/n laughed. "I will. And I know how to, look at my mother."

Merida shared a laugh with her daughter before waving her towards the doors. "Go on, now."

Y/n nodded, sending one last smile to her mother before exiting the castle. She had only taken a few steps towards the limousine that was in the driveway when she was tackled to a hug from the side.

"Bye, sissy!"

Y/n laughed, hugging the small boy. "Bye, Ewan." While Y/n and Merida looked almost nothing alike, Ewan had inherited their mother's red hair and small nose.

A hand landed on the small boy's shoulder. "Come on, Ewan," a lower voice said, the owner capturing Y/n's attention. "Your sister has to go now."

Y/n stood up from where she'd been crouching to hug her brother and faced the boy her age. "Asher."


They stood in silence for a moment before engulfing each other in a hug.

"I'm going to miss you," the blond-haired boy murmured as he pulled back.

"Likewise," Y/n said, giving a sad smile to Alice's son. "But alas, as you said to Ewan, I must go."

Asher nodded, stepping away to give Y/n room to move.

"Wait," he called out after her.


"Come back safely, please."

Y/n snorted. "Of course. You didn't come here all the way from Wonderland just for this to be our last conversation, did you?"

Asher shook his head with a smile. "I didn't."

Y/n grinned. "Thought so. Bye, Ash."

"Bye, N/n."

As the girl slipped into the limousine, the boy with blond hair and piercing blue eyes found himself wondering if he'd made the right decision by turning down Prince Ben's invitation to study at Auradon Prep. But it didn't matter. There was no going back for either of them.

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