★彡02|06 - "We can't risk it, can we?"彡★

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Y/n was slowly coming back to her senses, feeling the bed under her as well as hearing the voices in the room.

"What's wrong with sissy?" a little boy's voice sniffled.

"I think she just got very scared by something," an elderly woman assured, clanging with some pots and pans at the stove. The smell of chamomile tea wafted into the girl's nose as she slightly stirred, now noticing another pair of quiet voices conversing a bit further from her.

"What could've it been?" a young voice whispered. "I scouted the area, there weren't any trails of human movement."

"I don't know," a lower, slightly gravelly voice answered. "The Red Queen could have some other followers. Witches, wolves, ogres... It's all possible at this point."

"Yes, but even then how could they have known of our location?" the younger voice continued.

"I don't know, we'll have to..." the other man trailed off, noticing the princess' movements. Then a pair of chairs squeaked and the older man raised his voice slightly to announce, "She's coming to."

"Sissy!" Immediate pitter-patter of footsteps followed Ewan's exclamation and when Y/n opened her eyes, she found the boy to be standing over her. "Sissy, are you okay?"

Y/n's mind was foggy, a grey blur of images flashing before her eyes. Despite that, she managed a smile. "I'm alright, Ewan. Why don't you go play with Agatha for a bit while I talk to Arthur and Thomas?"

Ewan cheered up instantly. "I'll draw you a picture, it will make you feel better."

Y/n nodded, her smile dropping as soon as Ewan was out of the room. She, a little unsteadily, stood up from the bed, brushing her dress so it fell nicely to her ankles before gesturing for the two men to come inside. They complied, closing the door behind them.

Arthur sighed, leaning against the wall while Thomas remained standing where he was by the door, following Y/n's wary gaze out the window with his eyes.

"It was a wolf," the girl spoke, slowly raising her hand to her neck. "I would've been dead, hadn't I—" she cut herself off, thinking about the existence of her powers. Not many knew but the secret had been entrusted to the two guards in front of her. Thus, she kept speaking. "I had a vision, it saved my life."

"We have to move," Arthur mused. "The Red Queen obviously knows where we are right now."

Y/n nodded seriously. "We can't risk it, can we?"

Thomas shook his head. "We should most likely draw back on your penmanship, too, Your Highness. I can't keep going out of the borders that much if we want you and Prince Ewan to be safe."

Y/n nodded again, swallowing the lump in her throat as she did her best to stay rational. "Right." She then turned to Arthur. "Let's move out as soon as possible. How long will the arrangements take?"

"A few days, maximum. We'll have to map out the best route to the next hideout as well as secure the area," the man answered, deep in thought. "I'll go start working right away."

Y/n nodded once more, the man taking it as dismissal. Then the girl glanced out of the door that was now left open, where Ewan was happily drawing at a table. She shook away her thoughts, crouching to take her suitcase from under her bed before shooting a smile at Thomas. "We should get packing, too."

The young man frowned. "Right." He turned to leave but stopped at the door frame, one hand holding onto it as he glanced over his shoulder. "We'll be alright, Your Highness."

Y/n forced the smile to stay on her face. "I know."

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