★彡01|33 - "Let's get this party started!" 彡★

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Pictures flashed in front of Y/n's mind's eye and, reacting to what she now knew, she sprung away from her place and pushed Jay down to the ground an instance before Maleficent's flames should've fried the boy.

She's definitely angrier now, the girl realised, with a grimace as she and Jay got up, running away along with the rest of the three.

"Come on, guys!" Mal yelled, not having enough time to be surprised by the fact that Y/n was unfrozen.

"Magic mirror, shine a bright light!" Evie exclaimed when Y/n and Jay dove into the group and out of the way of the dragon, who was now blinded by the light coming from Evie's mirror.

The light shone from long enough for Maleficent to collapse to the ground. Then Mal pushed Evie behind her, pointing the wand threateningly at her mother. "Leave my friends alone!"

The dragon let out a sound, which Mal took as her mother disagreeing with her.

"This is between you and me, mother," the girl said as the dragon landed very near to her, its previously yellow eyes now glowing an unnatural green.

Mal took a deep breath. "The strength of evil is good as none, when stands before five hearts as one!" she chanted, looking deep into her mother's bright green eyes as her eye colour changed to match that of the dragon's. "The strength of evil is good as none, when stands before five hearts as one!" She repeated, growing more confident as well as desperate. "The strength of evil is good as none, when stands before five hearts as one!"

A few moments passed after the third repeat of Mal's spell. Then there was a loud dragon screech and Maleficent disappeared in a puff of smoke, the same way she'd become a dragon, only this time there was no one in her previous place.

Or so the five thought until Fairy Godmother unfroze and they were prompted to run back towards the platform.

"What just happened?" Carlos inquired.

"I have no idea," Mal answered, a bit out of breath.

"Did you do it?" Evie wondered aloud.

"I don't know," the girl in purple answered again.

The five came to a stop at the sight of a small lizard on the ground, paired with the fact that Fairy Godmother was rushing towards them, saying, "No, no, no, no, your mother did. She shrank to the size of the love in her heart... That's why it's so itty-bitty."

Mal looked taken aback. "Is she gonna be like that forever?"

"Well, forever is a long time," Fairy Godmother started a bit hesitantly.

"You learned to love," Y/n spoke up from the back of the group with a small smile as she made brief eye contact with Carlos before looking back at Mal. "It is to be assumed that she can do that, too."

Mal let out a sound of relief before turning back to Fairy Godmother, who was nodding along to Y/n's statement. "I believe this belongs to you," the girl said, handing the woman her wand.

"And I believe this," Fairy Godmother started, picking up a ring. "Belongs to you."

The two then stood up from their crouching position, Fairy Godmother smiling at the four. "You all have earned yourselves an A in goodness class."

The four laughed, Fairy Godmother swirling around as she exclaimed her signature, "Bibbidi-bobbidi-boo!" and unfroze everyone.

Both King Beast and Ben charged with a roar. As Mal and Belle dealt with calming the two, Y/n stifled a giggle. "That was uncalled for," she muttered under her breath, allowing Carlos to hear.

The boy a few steps ahead of her immediately whirled around, looking at the girl in worry. "What happened before we were unfrozen?" he asked, frowning. "Are you hurt?"

Y/n took Carlos' hand — the one that was reaching to make sure she was alright — and gave it a squeeze. "I'm alright. It didn't take long for Maleficent to realise that she wouldn't get a word out of me and deem me unworthy of her attention."

"On that note," Evie chimed in. "Weren't you frozen?"

"I was pretending," the girl admitted. "I saw she was going to freeze me and that was the first thing that came to mind."

Carlos laughed, fondly smiling at Y/n. "You're brilliant."

Evie gave the two a knowing look before all three's attention was captured by Mal moving away from the group, telling Ben that she'd be right back.

The people Mal was walking towards were Jane and Fairy Godmother, of whom the latter was currently scolding her daughter for her actions.

"Don't be too hard on Jane," Mal spoke, putting a hand on Fairy Godmother's shoulder as she gave an apologetic smile to the short-haired girl. "I was the one who put all that crazy stuff in her head." Mal grabbed onto one of Jane's hands so as to get the girl's attention. "You are beautiful. Inside and out. Your mom got that right."

Jane nodded, teary-eyed. "I guess I did get pretty lucky in the mother department."

"Yeah, I guess so," Mal agreed.

Fairy Godmother then guided Jane away with a point of her wand and Audrey came up to talk to Mal. They both courtsyed with small, genuine laughs, before Mal's attention was by a man placing the glass that had been over the wand over her mother. "Hey," she called. "Careful! That's my mom."

Y/n chuckled, along with the others. "Good job, Mal," she spoke up with a smile. "I'm proud of you."

Mal beamed at her. "Thank you... And I'm really sorry I've been a bit harsh towards you, only cooperating when absolutely needed. You really aren't the way I assumed you would be."

Y/n smiled, shrugging. "And you guys are exactly like I hoped you'd be in the end."

That earned another wave of quiet laughter from the people around her as Jay spread his arms out over everyone's shoulders, standing behind the half-circle so his head poked out between Carlos and Evie. "Let's get this party started!"

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