★彡01|16 - "Are you even listening?"彡★

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Y/n stormed to her dorm, not stopping to greet Lonnie as she grabbed a pencil and quickly wrote the prophecy down on a piece of paper.

"Hey, Y/n," Lonnie said, unbothered by her roommate's attitude. "Carlos was here earlier, looking for you. Do you know what he wanted?"

"I don't know and I don't care," Y/n let out, though, deep inside, she did care. "Lonnie, how do people discover they have magic powers?"

Lonnie raised an eyebrow at the change of topic. "I don't know. But if you're interested then you should take the topic up with Fairy Godmother."

Y/n nodded. "Okay, thanks."

Lonnie completely dropped what she was doing and spun to face the other girl. "What's gotten into you?"

"I—" Y/n halted. "I don't know yet."

Lonnie frowned. "What do you mean?"

Y/n sighed, plopping down on her bed. "I found something in the library. I think it might be important."

Lonnie looked at the other girl with worry in her eyes before standing up and crouching in front of her. "Are you feeling well, Y/n?" she asked softly.

The h/c-haired girl slapped away the hand touching her forehead for a fever. "Yes, I am. Just... forget about it." She sighed, glancing at the clock on the wall. "Come on, dinner's soon."

Y/n felt Lonnie's eyes on her back as she walked towards the cafeteria to get her food but paid it no mind, immersed in her thoughts. Where power hides is her embassy... Say the prophecy is about me, what would that mean? That I have powerful reinforcements? Or that I have power that's still hiding?

She served herself some food, not minding that Lonnie left her to go sit where she usually sat. In fact, it was usual, because Y/n usually sat with the Isle kids. But now... She glanced towards the table where the four ate.

Shaking her head to herself, she turned away and went further into the courtyard, sitting near the hedge under a tree. With one hand, she fumbled the paper out of her pocket and stared at the prophecy, trying to work everything out.


At the other table, Carlos' eyes were flitting around, all of Mal's words going in one ear and coming out the other. That soon became obvious to the others and Mal let out a huff.

"Carlos," she hissed. "Are you even listening?"

"Huh, what?" the boy stammered, shaking his head as if he needed to clear it.

Mal sighed. "You're not... You're not still thinking about Y/n, are you?"

Carlos was taken aback. "Of course, I am! What did you expect?"

"That you realize that our mission is more important than anything else," Mal countered.

Carlos sighed. "I— I know that. I just want to apologize, okay? I'll explain everything to her and then I'll walk away, alright?" His eyes stopped on a figure, disappearing behind the hedge. "I'll— I'll be right back."

"Fine," Mal agreed. "But remember our mission, Carlos."

Carlos nodded, his heart screaming protests to the words his mind was making his mouth form. "I will."

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