★彡01|22 - "Didn't take the princess for a liar."彡★

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"So, considering you have mind-based powers, we should do a little research on the topic." Mal paced in front of the four others who were sitting on the ground, listening to her every word. "Have there been any people in the past to have those powers? How did they get them? How did they use them?" Mal's eyes fixated on Y/n. "If we answer those questions, you'll probably get the hang of it soon."

Y/n yawned, her mind wandering to how it was Saturday morning and how Saturdays were meant for sleeping in. "Alright."

Mal nodded. "Let's get to it, then. Boys, you use Carlos' computer. Write down everything you find. E, Y/n, you're with me."

Y/n nodded, pushing herself up from the ground, her world swaying a bit as her balancing mechanisms recalibrated. "Where are we going?"

"The library," Mal answered, standing with a hand on her hip. "The doors of wisdom are never shut!"

The other two girls chuckled fondly, remembering their first day in the school.

And like that, they proceeded down the halls, which were relatively quiet, with only a few other students scurrying around.

"I wonder what's going on," Evie pondered. "It's so quiet."

Y/n shrugged, stifling another yawn as she thought about the time. "They might be sleeping."

"Or they might be preparing for family day tomorrow," Mal added, nodding out of the window, where half of Auradon Prep seemed to be.

"Oh, right," Y/n realized. "Tomorrow's that day." Her mind flashed back to the video call with her mother. I wonder how things are in Wonderland right now... Poor Asher... I do hope mom managed to do something about the whole situation.


The three girls froze at the voice and turned slowly, coming face to face with none other than Prince Ben.

"Ben," Mal said slowly, managing a smile. "What are you doing here? I thought you'd be outside... preparing."

"I came looking for you."

Evie and Y/n shared a glance behind Mal's back.

Mal let out a small laugh, tilting her head. "Really? What for?"

"I wanted to check up on you." Ben only then looked at the two girls behind his girlfriend. "Where are you guys going?"

"Oh, you know, just the library..."

"On a Saturday?"

"We have last minute homework," Y/n butted in. "We'd usually postpone it to Sunday but since tomorrow is Family Day and we wanted to give ourselves an opportunity to enjoy it, we decided to head down to the library now."

"I see," Ben nodded, then smiled, his eyes finding Mal's again. "Well, good luck, and... I'll see you later, yeah?"

As soon as the Prince rounded a corner, the girls collectively let out a sigh. Mal gave Y/n a mischievous smile. "Didn't take the princess for a liar."

Y/n laughed. "Oh, please. It was a white lie."

Evie raised a brow. "It always starts with the white lies."

Y/n shrugged, dropping the topic with that movement. "Come on, we should get going if we want to get anything done today."

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