★彡01|04 - "It was nice meeting you."彡★

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The group was left with Doug, whose name they knew but who still felt the need to introduce himself. "Hi, guys. I'm Dopey's son, as in Dopey, Doc, Bashful, Happy, Grumpy, Sleepy and..." He trailed off as he made eye contact with Evil Queen's daughter. "Heigh-ho..."

Y/n smiled, not letting the laugh slip out.

"Evie. Evil Queen's daughter," the girl introduced herself, her voice as light as the air.

Doug let out a breath, refocusing on his task. "Okay, so, about your classes, I, uh, put in the requirements already: history of woodsmen and pirates, safety rules for the internet and, uhh, remedial goodness 101."

Maleficent's daughter, who'd walked over, popped a candy into her mouth. "Let me guess... New class?"

Doug nodded before turning to Y/n. "Oh. and here's yours," he handed her a slip of paper. "You've got literature, life skills without magic and Auradon's political history. That's in addition to the required subjects, of course — there's math, chemistry and stuff like that, too."

Y/n hummed in thought, glancing at her bow and arrows for a second. "Are there, like, any extracurriculars that focus on sport?"

"There's cheerleading," Doug offered helpfully. "There's also tourney and fencing but those are for boys only."

Y/n frowned a bit. "Oh, alright."

"But there's an archery area near the gyms and the sports field that's free for everyone to use who are interested in practicing their aim," Doug added, seeing the downlet expression of the girl in front of him.

"Oh," Y/n said again, happier this time. "Sounds amazing, thank you."

Doug nodded before looking back at the group of Isle kids who'd started climbing up one side of the staircase. "Oh, yeah, your dorms are that way," he pointed to the other side. "All girls are on the right, all boys are on the left."

"Thank you, Doug," Y/n nodded, walking up the stairs in front of the Isle kids, for they had to catch up to her from across the hallway. "Room number 43," she muttered, scanning the room numbers with her eyes. 36, 37, 38...

"Hey," she heard a voice from behind her.

"Hey," she said, turning around to come face-to-face with the boy with black-and-white hair. "Carlos, right?"

"R— Right," the boy stammered. "I wanted to ask if you're a part of the exchange programme, too."

"Yeah, I'm from up north," Y/n nodded.

"Like, the North?" Maleficent's daughter asked.

"Aren't you guys like... rebels or something? You and Wonderland started your own country when king Beast made the United States of Auradon," Evie continued for her friend.

"You could call us that, yes," Y/n smiled. "My mother wasn't all that quick to bend under a man's rule."

"Who is your mother?" Carlos asked and his tone betrayed nothing but curiosity.


"I suppose that explains the bow and arrows," Maleficent's daughter nodded. "But we gotta go now, right, guys?" She started walking and the others had no choice but to follow. "Bye, daughter of Merida."

"It was nice meeting you," Carlos called over his shoulder.

"Likewise," Y/n answered, waving to them as they went further down the hallway and she stopped in front of door number 43. Here goes...

The doors opened. And Y/n was face to face with the girliest room she'd ever seen. Everything was pink and she instantly missed her home's stone walls and rough wooden furniture.

"Hi!" somebody squealed and it took Y/n a moment to notice a girl with a bob cut hurtling towards her. "You must be my new roommate! I'm Lonnie, daughter of Mulan."

Y/n put her hand out to shake. "Y/n. Daughter of Merida."

"Oh wow! Our mothers are so much alike!" Lonnie gushed. "We're gonna get along so well!"

"I suppose," Y/n trailed, inspecting the room. "Do you mind if I change my side of the room a bit? It's so... pink."

"Oh, but I thought you were a princess," Lonnie frowned, confused. "Princesses like those things."

"I'm not a classical princess." Y/n smiled, tilting her head to the side. "On that note, are you up for a duel at some point?"

"Oh, you're so on." 

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