★彡02|16 - "Are you free right now?"彡★

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Y/n stopped in the hallway to look out of the window. Even during her free period, she felt stuck. The previous year she'd used the free time to do things that made her feel at home. That is, archery. But what could she do now? She would endanger herself and others if she went out, that much was clear after the events on the previous day. About to walk on, she did a double take. Why's there a mob of people in front of the school?

The girl furrowed her eyebrows, making out reporters in the crowd. That's weird. She stood up onto her toes, trying to see behind the statue. Who are they so interested in? It stung when she realised just how much she'd missed out on while being away.

The girl walked on, seeing from the corner of her eye how Ben cut through the crowd, the mob of people soon dispersing after Fairy Godmother also appeared. A minute later, Y/n met Evie and Mal on the stairs.

"Y/n!" the blue-haired girl exclaimed. "Are you free right now?"

"Uhh, technically, yes—" the girl in question started.

"Brilliant! Come on!" Evie beamed, grabbing onto Y/n's arm.


"No buts!" Evie shut the princess up again.

Y/n looked at Mal for help but the other Queen-to-be just shrugged.

Giving in, Y/n entered Mal and Evie's room without much protesting. "So what's going on?"

"We're doing dress fittings, unless you two want to dance in your bathrobes," Evie grinned. "Mal first."

Ushering her friend to step onto a stepstool, she brought out a hyper-Auradonian dress. Y/n cringed. "Isn't that a bit much?"

"It's good to show you love your people," Evie beamed, shoving the dress into Mal's hands and dragging the dressing screen in front of her.

Y/n raised her brows but waited patiently until Evie moved the dressing screen again, pulling Mal's shoulders back before zipping up the more-than-too-long dress for her.

"Oh!" the daughter of Maleficent exclaimed. "Okay, Evie, I cannot breathe."

"Well, you can breathe after Cotillion," came the answer.

Y/n gave Mal a sympathetic smile.

"Well, I sincerely doubt that," Mal countered before looking at the only one she knew to be experienced in her problems. "Y/n, how do you handle all the attention?"

"I guess I just grew up with it," the girl answered immediately, having mulled over the question for considerable amounts of time during her life. She grimaced. "Sorry, that probably wasn't any help."

Evie, in her own world, dropped the hem of Mal's dress she'd picked up, saying, "Impeccable."

"Sometimes I just think life would be easier if we were still on the Isle," Mal admitted.

"That's funny," Evie brushed it off, helping Mal off the stool before gesturing Y/n to get onto it, handing her a bundle of navy blue before moving the screen again.

While pulling the multiple layers over her head, Y/n spotted a familiar face on TV. "Mal, is that you?"

"I wish it wasn't," came the answer, the TV's audio being turned down right after.

Evie moved the screen and zipped Y/n up before moving a mirror so the girl could see herself.

"What do you think?" she questioned as Y/n stepped off of the stool.

Y/n inspected the dress. It was a beautiful navy blue tone — much like what her mother used to wear when she was younger —, made out of comfortable and soft fabric that layered around her legs. It ended just above the ground, leaving anyone who'd look with the impression that the girl was floating. The shoulders were slightly dropped but the sleeves ran to her wrists nevertheless, the top parts fluffy and decorated with golden ornaments. Carefully embroidered golden leaves decorated the bottom of the dress, too, and the start of the skirt-part of the dress seemed to have golden rain on it.

"It's..." Y/n struggled to find the words. "It's breathtaking, Evie. It's beyond me how you managed such a perfect length without having my measurements."

"I have the first tries of your previous dress," Evie reminded her friend before circling the girl. "We should get you golden accessories as well but besides that, is there anything you'd like to change?"

"No, I just wonder about the colour a little," Y/n mused, remembering the earthy tone she'd worn at her last party in Auradon.

"Well, it's designed to match with a special someone," Evie winked.

Y/n's cheeks flamed, her mind immediately going to Carlos (though she'd never admit it). "But I don't even know who I'm going with yet."

Evie only gave a knowing smile before whirling to look at Mal, who'd plopped down on her bed and was now sitting with her mother's old spell book on her lap. "I know Mal's secret of fitting in, and Ben wouldn't like it one bit. Haven't you guys had enough secrets between the two of you already?"

"Ahh, guys, I should probably go, I promised Asher I'd meet up with him," Y/n interjected, gesturing to the door awkwardly. And I do not belong in this conversation.

"You can leave the dress on my table, I saw a few sewing mistakes," Evie said, nodding understandingly before helping Y/n with the zipper again.

A minute later, the girl was out of the room, having done her best to not to listen to her friends' conversation. I feel bad for Mal, she thought to herself. It seems to be difficult for her. She stopped walking, looking back at the door. But maybe I should take this as an opportunity to learn. I am to be Queen one day, too. 

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