★彡02|20 - "I don't miss the time when I didn't know you yet."彡★

391 20 12

Carlos walked through the halls hastily. As much as he regretted it, he'd locked Dude in his room, his head already fuming from the unnecessary and unnatural amounts of talking by the dog. Frankly he did not even know where he was going until his feet had already carried him to the farthest nook of the library.

There, he stopped, hearing low humming from the other side of the bookshelf. Warily, he glanced behind it.

There, on a windowsill, sat Y/n. There was a book on her knees, propped up in front of her, but she was not looking at its pages. She was looking outside, where the sun shone and the other students scurried around, chatting the afternoon away as their extracurriculars had also finished. And again, she was stuck inside. Her chest ached but not because of what was there but because of what wasn't. It seemed to be sinking in, leaving a hollow behind. She was trying to console herself by humming the lullaby that had accompanied her for her whole life but it only made her miss the days when she was younger. When she was free.

For a while now, she'd felt too stuck in her own life. She'd hoped, once upon a time when she was still cooped up in a lovely cabin in the middle of the woods, that when she'd return to Auradon, she'd be free again. Free of her worries for her mom, her brother and her country. Free of the responsibility of being strong for the sake of those around her. Free to just be herself.

But, as it turned out, she'd only endangered everyone by coming. And thus, for the sake of others, she could do nothing but stay inside again. Stay put away, like she was some fragile valuable that needed to be concealed from the world, lest it get hurt.

"Hey," Carlos spoke softly, trying not to scare the girl.

Still, Y/n flinched, her head shooting to look at Carlos. When she realised who it was, she gave a small genuine smile. Immediately, the emptiness in her chest dissolved, making room for a familiar warmth. "Hey," she answered, dropping her feet off of the window sill so Carlos could join her. In the process, she closed her book and placed it aside. It could wait.

The boy didn't have to be wordlessly told twice, for he made his way to sit beside the girl the moment the space was freed.

For a few minutes, the two just basked in each other's presence, Y/n leaning her head on Carlos' shoulder. Unbeknownst to each other, both of their heart rates picked up. And despite that, their hearts still beat in sync, as if they were as tied to one another as their owners were.

Y/n was the one to start the conversation. "I miss being young."

Carlos emitted a low chuckle, ignoring the way his chest buzzed with nervousness. "You are young."

"Well, younger," Y/n corrected, raising her head to lean it on the wall as she made eye contact with Carlos. "Don't you?"

"I don't miss the time when I didn't know you yet."

Blood rushed to Y/n's cheeks even before her mind could register Carlos' words. "Oh," she let out, averting her eyes. Carlos found her flustered state extremely adorable. "Well, I don't miss that time, either," Y/n clarified. "I just miss what it was like six months ago. Everything just seemed so perfect right after the coronation and look at us now..." She gestured around aimlessly. "I'm cooped up here because I'm a princess and I'm making you miserable with me." Perplexed, she covered her face with her hands. "I'm sorry, Carlos, I didn't mean to tell you all of this just like that."

"Y/n," the boy started, slowly taking her hands into his own as he searched for the right words. "I don't... You're not making me miserable." His heart seemed to beat louder with every second as he grew more nervous. "Actually, I'd— I'd rather be here with you right now than anywhere else."

The girl blushed again, dragging her arm over her eyes as she had started tearing up. "Really?" she sniffled.

Carlos smiled. "Really."

"Carlos, I..." Y/n stammered, not being able to find the words that conveyed what she felt. The boy looked at her patiently. Even there, as she was sad and confused and disappointed, Carlos found her so captivating. He loved the way she always looked at him so kindly, as if she truly saw something in him, and the way she'd smile whenever he'd say something that appeased her.

At the same time, Y/n found it hard to look at Carlos at all. For his sake, she needed to deny the feelings swelling inside of her. She couldn't risk losing him. Not now, when his presence was the only thing keeping her from falling apart. Thus, as she didn't find the words, she just pulled the boy into a tight hug.

Her worries seemed to disappear all over again for a brief moment as Carlos, too, wrapped his arms around her. His hug felt so warm. So comfortable. So safe. Y/n hadn't felt that safe in a long time. Even at home, surrounded by guards and maids and servants, she hadn't felt as at home as she did in Carlos' embrace in the far corner of a dusty library.

There they sat for a while, feeling each other's chests rise and fall in the calm rhythm of breathing. They'd found solace in each other, both of them hoping and yet dreading that the other felt the same.

Then, Carlos started humming slowly, standing up with Y/n still in his arms and swaying them back and forth by the windowsill where they stood. Y/n looked at Carlos, raising her head from his shoulder where it had been laying. With a small laugh, she asked, "Are we dancing now?"

Carlos smiled at the teary-eyed and yet still smiling girl in front of him. "If you'd do me the honour."

Y/n's smile widened and she twirled away from Carlos before twirling herself back into his arms. Smoothly, they stopped, holding eye contact.

"Thank you," Y/n breathed.

Carlos smiled, leaning his forehead down against hers. "Anytime."

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