★彡02|12 - "Surprise."彡★

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"Oh, just wait until you meet my friends," Y/n said, all giddy as she looked out of the limousine's window at the pretty familiar surroundings. Due to the familiarness, Y/n was sure she and Asher didn't have too long of a drive anymore before reaching Auradon Prep. "They're the greatest."

"The kids of the villains?" Asher asked doubtfully, raising a brow.

Y/n huffed, lightly hitting Asher on the arm. "You can't judge someone because of their parents, Ash. You should be crazy and all dreamy anyway, if we're going by that logic."

"Whatever you say, princess," Asher sighed, leaning back into his seat with a yawn. "I just hope the beds are alright."

The girl rolled her eyes. "The rooms are great, too. And you should have plenty of time to sleep, considering that we'll be arriving around lunch time and we have the whole weekend ahead of us, too, in addition to tonight."

"Mhm," the boy hummed, looking out of the window tiredly.

Y/n didn't let herself be fazed by her friend's behaviour, for it was a given since they'd woken up before dawn, and instead looked out of the window, excitedly jumping in her seat as the familiar stone structure came into sight. "There it is!" My second home...

The fond smile on the girl's face only broadened when the door was opened for her. The small number of students passing in front of the schoolhouse didn't mind the limousine too much, for the school consisted of pretty much all royals so it was an usual sight to see.

"We'll deal with the luggage later, come on," Y/n ushered, dragging Asher out of the car. "Let's go to the courtyard, that's where everyone eats."

"Shouldn't we go meet the headmistress?" the boy questioned.

"Ah, later," the princess of the North answered, her paces only fastening until she got to the entrance of the courtyard, the familiar sight only making her more giddy. With a certain rushing pep in her step, she started following her memory to where she knew her friends would be sitting.

At the same time, the given people were eating, in quite the sour mood. Mal had just escaped some reporters, a bit irritated because of that, and Carlos and Jay had Tourney coming up, neither of them too excited to go and argue with Chad. Only Evie was happy, sketching some designs beside her plate.

Well, not only Evie, for Dude suddenly barked and jumped up from where he was sitting on Carlos' lap and ran off, having caught a whiff of familiar scent.

The dog's owner sprang up, too, running after him in alarm. Dude wasn't usually the one to run off without a reason so the white-haired boy figured something was up. "Dude?" he called, hearing the barking cease.

Meanwhile, Y/n spotted her small furry friend running towards her and immediately dropped to her knees, hugging the dog. "Hey, Dude, how are you?" she gushed, a big smile on her face.

That's when Carlos' voice reached her. "Dude, where are you?" A moment later, the boy rounded the corner, his eyes immediately landing on the dog. "There you are!" He then took the dog back into his own arms, starting to apologise, "I'm so sorry, miss, I don't know why he ran off like tha—" Finally, Carlos looked up at the teenager he'd just taken the dog from.

Y/n hadn't changed all that much but there was something different about her — she seemed more mature now — and that alone left Carlos speechless.

The girl on the other hand gave a soft smile, her own heart rate picking up. "Surprise."

Dude broke himself free of Carlos' hold, dropping to the ground. The boy immediately took the opportunity, pulling Y/n in for a hug, one of his hands wrapping around her back and another around her head, making sure the girl was actually there and not in a dream this time. "I missed you," he forced out, his eyes feeling a bit wet as happy tears started to surface.

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