★彡02|30 - "We'll come back?"彡★

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Soon after, Evie and Jay reentered the room. The girl wore a big smile as she noticed Carlos and Y/n's connected hands. "So...?" she prompted. "My work has not gone to waste?"

Carlos shook his head with a light chuckle and a smile. "It has not, Evie. Thank you."

Y/n could only blush, the idea of Carlos liking her back still new to her as she squeezed the boy's hand.

Just then, steps could be heard. A few moments later, both Mal and Asher rejoined the group, frowns on their faces.

At the sight of Y/n's childhood best friend, Carlos quickly retracted his hand and resorted to looking at Mal expectantly.

"So, uhh, Uma wants the wand in exchange for Ben," Mal said simply, plopping down on a chair.

Evie was the first to react. "There's no way we're gonna give Uma the wand, we can't just let her destroy Auradon."

"If Uma doesn't get the wand then Ben's toast, guys," Carlos piped up, a bit frustrated.

"So we're gonna give Uma of all people the wand?" Evie asked, her, Carlos and Jay now talking all over each other while Y/n struggled to comprehend what was going on. Too much had happened in the past minutes.

"Wait, you guys!" Mal cut everyone off, looking a bit more hopeful. "Your 3D printer!"

"A phoney wand — in my sleep," Carlos nodded.

"The second it's tested Uma will know it's fake, though," Y/n piped in.

"I didn't know magic even worked on the Isle," Asher admitted.

"Dark magic doesn't," Mal explained. "That includes my mother's spellbook, etc, but the wand should. And we just have to get Ben out really fast, we need some kind of diversion."

A few seconds of silence took the ground before Jay spoke. "Smoke bombs!"

"That's perfect!" Evie agreed. "I'll get the chemicals from Lady Tremaine's place, that could work!" She walked over to Mal. "Oh, and sick hair by the way, Evil Stepmum has seriously stepped up her game."

"Okay, do you want to know something?" Mal asked, accepting the topic changed. "Dizzy did this."

Y/n raised her brows and made eye contact with Asher. The boy rolled her eyes, shaking his head.

At the same time, Evie gasped. "Little Dizzy? Shut. Up."

"I know, I'm, like, loving it! It's like a lot lighter."

"Really proud of her—"

Jay cleared his throat loudly, interrupting Evie.

"Hello?" Carlos called, getting the attention back to the topic they should've been discussing.

"Right," Evie nodded.

Mal clapped. "Carlos, Jay, you guys meet us at Pirates' Bay no later than noon. And you guys: losing — not an option."

"What about us?" Y/n asked.

"We are going back to Auradon with those two," Asher spoke with a tone that left no room for arguing while nodding to Carlos and Jay. "If we're coming back here to fight you will need your bow."

Y/n immediately straightened her back excitedly. "We'll come back?"

"It's not completely out of the cards, given that I've realised the thrill of the situation, but I make no promises," Asher nodded.

Y/n beamed. That's basically a yes, Ash, I know you.

When the whole group started moving again, Y/n turned to Carlos excitedly. "Seems like Cotillion's not out of the cards, either!" she smiled.

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