★彡02|23 - "Keep it chill, alright?"彡★

303 15 8

Crossing the bridge, Y/n felt mixed emotions. On one hand, the way the bridge put itself together absolutely baffled her in the best way possible. And on the other, she felt anxious. Anxious about... something she couldn't quite make out. It wasn't the buzz of the adrenaline nor the way the Isle loomed over them up front but...

Biting the inside of her cheeks, she twisted her body, heaving a sigh of relief only when the barrier closed behind them and she was sure nothing had got through with them.

"Are you alright?" Evie's soft voice cut through the silence.

A bit startled, Y/n whipped around. "Y- Yeah, just checking."

Evie nodded, her expression conveying that she didn't quite believe her friend but decided to let her be for the moment.

A minute or so later, when they'd managed to manoeuvre through the narrow streets of the Isle that were definitely not built for hosting such limousines, Jay stopped the car and everyone piled out of it quickly and quietly, making as little noise as possible with the car doors.

"Ben, help me with the tarp," Carlos instructed, the two boys walking to the pile of cloth that sat on top of a wooden box.

Y/n shivered and looked around wearily as Evie beside her did the same.

"Jay," said Carlos.

"Yeah," the long-haired boy answered, instinctively catching the end of the tarp that was thrown to him, holding onto the corner as Y/n and Evie dragged it so it was fully over the half of the car it was supposed to cover.

Y/n quickly moved to the boxes, saying a quiet, "I got it," as she handed the material to Carlos halfway. She knew Carlos would've managed to get the cloth on his own — because it wasn't exactly a difficult thing to do — but she had been itching to do something. Plus, Evie and Jay had started talking, probably about something that didn't concern her at all so she thought it best to leave the old friends to their devices.

For a moment, when the group was straightening out the tarp, Carlos' brown eyes met Y/n's e/c ones. The girl gave a nod to the wordless question that floated in her friend's eyes. I'm okay, Carlos.

"Hey, what's in here?" Ben's voice echoed. Only then did Evie, Jay, Carlos and Y/n notice that the king of Auradon had wandered off on his own.

"Ben," Carlos' voice warned, as if he was talking to a little kid. He quickly walked over, dragging the "kid" away from a big pipe via his sleeve.

"You don't want to know," Jay took over.

"Hey, guys," Carlos spoke again, earning everyone's attention. "Keep it chill, alright?"

Good note, Y/n thought, relaxing her shoulders. Everyone else was just as anxious as she was, thus Carlos' comment was needed to bring all of them down to earth again.

"The last thing we need is our parents figuring out we're here," Carlos finished.

Y/n's shoulders stiffened again. And if I get into trouble and Asher finds out... She nodded determinedly to herself. So I won't get into trouble, yeah?

Led by Carlos and Jay, they started moving, going deeper into the thin and colourful streets of the Isle of the Lost.

Passing a shard of a mirror, Y/n stopped for a moment and made eye contact with herself. Smiling, she gave herself an encouraging look. It'll be okay. No trouble.

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