First Holy Artifact-ACT 1 : Chapter 1

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You're no longer keeping it cool because nothing about your situation is cool. Nothing of what happened to you is cool and nothing feels cool.

You are ugly crying on top of a grassy cliff and the wind is blowing strongly from behind sending your hair flying in front of you, some getting into your mouth and some sticking to your wet face, obscuring your vision either way.

Everything was fine just a while ago until you agreed to create an account to play this demented game with your friend Noele.

"I knew I should have denied her! Fuck this shit man, I'm going to die before I even find out where the hell am I! That game-obsessed woman sent me here!" You cry out. You're angry and confused and quite frankly, having an existential crisis.

About 24 hours ago...

"Come on! Play with meeee!" Noele said dramatically shaking your shoulders.

She has been bugging you nonstop about installing her new obsession with a game to play with her. You refused, saying that you had way more fun watching her play. Genshin Impact was not exactly your type of game and you are sure as hell that you don't have the patience to farm items and grow them strong like she does.

Besides all the hot characters the game has in store and the storyline itself, nothing really attracts you to play it, but those alone are not enough. You hear her babble about artifacts, wishes, and drawing characters and most of the time swearing and cursing at the screen whenever whatever mission she is on is hard enough. You know there is an option for multiplayer but you wonder why she refuses to use it with other players.

You are not very good at building characters and no matter how hard you tried, you never got the hang of stats and what goes better with what.

"Fine. But if I don't like it I am uninstalling it and you leave me be about playing this game." You mutter with a sigh.

Noele pouts childishly and crossed her arms.

"But you won't like it on purpose just to spite me!"

You give her a look that should technically tell her that you're annoyed but, she, yet again, ignores you.

It's been like this for a while, forcing you to do stuff with her that you're either not interested in, or uncomfortable. You don't know how to deal with it as you are new to friendships as well as social stuff.

Your parents moved a lot as a kid, so much so that you couldn't keep up with your social life. You stopped bothering making friends since you knew you'd be moving away sooner or later.

In high school, your mother divorced your father and he won custody over you. Although your mother wasn't perfect she wasn't bad either.

The only downside to staying with her if she won is the fact that she is the sole reason why you moved so much.

You are not that hurt over the divorce as it happened mostly for financial reasons, so it's safe to say that they still wear their rings and are just as lovey-dovey with each other.

"Y/N! Are you listening to me?" Noele waves her hand in front of your face, reminding you once again that she won't let you go until you do her bidding.

Groaning with annoyance you get up from the bed and open up your PC. Noele is stoked and is quick to steal your gaming chair while you're stuck with a normal one.

"Get off of that chair. You broke the last one." You glare at her.

Noele pouts childishly and giggles as she spins around in it.

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