ACT 1 : Chapter 6

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"Oi, what is this place?"

Last time you checked, you were supposed to be meditating, not standing up.

"Am I dreaming? Did I fall asleep?"

It would be embarrassing if you drowned in your sleep in such shallow water.

As you raise your arms, you notice that they are see-through, like a ghost. You gasp and look down to confirm that the rest of your body looks the same.

Your surroundings are completely void of light like an endless blackness surrounds you. Strangely, you feel content in it, like it's meant to be there. You look behind you and you're surprised to see yourself standing in the same position you entered mediation in. Even your hair is wet and sticking to you.

"So I guess I am not dead yet. This must be some sort of astral dimension."

"Nope, you're in your mind."

You shriek and turn back around to find another you! But this you is solid and dry, unlike you.

"Who are you?" you ask.

"Silly. You. I am you and you are me. I'm your higher consciousness." She says crossing her arms to her chest.

"Alright... What am I doing here?" You ask unsure.

"Last time we checked, we wanted to grow our bond with the hydro element, and I am here to offer you advice. But first of all, I have to tell you what my job is. So listen up, sweet cheeks!"

You jolt at the sudden rise in volume.

Is she flirting with me? No. Wait. Am I flirting with myself? Maybe I'm just playing. Ugh, pay attention!

"What you don't sense when you are in your body is my job to translate it for us. But since you're trying to sync with hydro, you have to sync with me as well." Other You explains.

"So that's what Zhongli was talking about when he said that some elements can't be so easily learned just with the physical human senses."

The other You beams at you. "That's right! The information I receive with the higher senses is sent to you and the information you received until now with just your body is sent to me! It's a continuous exchange of information."

"Cool! So what now?" You smile back.

"I'm going to teach you how to sync with me, how to remain in sync and how to break the sync."

"Wait, I can do all of those?"

"Yep! Do you want me to explain what all of those would mean for you?"

You nod excitedly.

"Great! I'll teach you how to sync with me to raise your vibrational state. This is a must if you want access to the normal abilities you turn on when we're up high and running."

You nod.

"When the two of us are up and running, meaning that we sync, your senses will be heightened, you will have better control over the elements and you will hear heart callings more easily."

"So that nagging feeling at the back of my head was Xiao back then?"

Other you nods and gives you a thumbs up. "Correct, my friend! We were working in that moment so Xiao's calling was stronger to us."

"That's interesting. Does that mean that if I sync with you, I'll be able to 'feel' everyone's call?"

"Not exactly. While SYNC increases your awareness and control of everything, it makes it harder for normal people to reach us since it raises our vibrational state a lot more. Gods and those who hold a vision will always have an easier time reaching our ears than normal people. However, when we don't use SYNC, normal people will reach us just as easily as others would."

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