ACT 2 - Chapter 16

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Bonding time with Xiao is over as the door to the inn busts open and a screeching voice comes to a halt.

"Paimon can't believe-"

Your eyes are wide open and you flinch at the sudden interruption. Xiao definitely knew they were coming and went into hiding again.

"Y/N! There you are!" Paimon floats towards you and behind her is Aether and TT. The rabbit looks worn out and his fur is sticking out roughly.

"Hey guys." You greet them an wave as you get up and lean on the railing.

"You managed to book us a room?"

Aether comes up to your side and takes your hand to squeeze it lightly. He must have noticed your feelings still lingering after the open conversation with Xiao.

You give him a tiny smile and squeeze his hand back. "I'm alright." You whisper.

"Yeah, I booked us all a room. But we gotta share a twin and a single bed. All four of us."

TT says absolutely nothing as he just comes up to you and climbs into your arms then folds himself into a puffy ball. A literal cotton ball. You notice his cape is gone but he still has his kiddie satchel.

He must have been tired. What did Zhongli even do with him?

"It's alright, I am sure we will manage." Your friend confirms, nodding his head slightly.

"Paimon thinks so too! At least we'll be sleeping inside, and on a bed! "

"But we still have people to look for, Paimon. Later." He reminds her.

"Oh yeah, you're here to see my friend." You remind yourself out loud.

Paimon nods enthusiastically. You bote the inside of your cheek, feeling kind of guilty and look back at Aether. "How did it go with the others? I'm sorry I didn't go with you."

Aether gives you a smile and sighs softly. "Don't worry. You were right. Even if you had come with us, your protection would not have been guaranteed. There was only one and Paimon, well, she could just vanish inside her realm or whatever." He looks you up and down and extends his arms and you stand there confused for a hot minute until you realize that he's asking if you want a hug. He must have noticed you feel guilty.

Either way, you open your and go closer to him until your chest presses against his and you wrap your arms around him and he returns the gesture, but in a more gentle pace.

"Don't be mad at yourself, we're all fine, are we not? Everything went fine, they will be investigating and we should be in the clear soon." His chin is resting on your body, but he's basically whispering in your ears with how low and soft he's talking.

You nod without saying anything, far too related in his embrace.

Who knew he would give such killer hugs? He is so snuggly.

​​​​​​Paimon clears her throat next to you.

"If you're finished being all lovey, we still have things to do." She deadpanned.

You're irked. "If you wanted to join us being all "lovey" then you could have just asked."

Paimon squeaks and blushes a bright pink. "N-no! Paimon doesn't want your attention!"

"Oh?" You raise an eyebrow at her. "Really? What, are you jealous because Aether is getting my attention or are you jealous because my attention is on Aether?"

Her face scrunches up in a confusion as she struggles to fully understand what you just said.

"Ugh! Paimon is tired of you! You are so strange!"

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