ACT 1 : Chapter 7

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The Archons had a brief meeting. It's not often that they meet as they tend to stick to their regions and mind their business. By that time, you have already met Rex Lapis. And true to his word, he kept your existence secret from others. You were still in meditation when he met the others.

When he came back, he was surprised to find Xiao watching over you. The Yaksha then confessed to knowing of her identity and that he'll keep it to himself. When asked why he looks so tense, the Yaksha's only response was that he's only doing his job and making sure that the evil preying on the city doesn't come close.


You were right to fear Rex Lapis and his training.

The man was a relentless pursuer and when he said that he'd be sending 'easy to avoid' attacks you didn't expect to be launched into the air by his pillars, almost get squashed or impaled by his deadly sharp polearm. You saw your reflection way too many times in that shiny blade.

All of this while trying to run away from him seemed to be an impossible task to succeed. That's it until you used your Nokia water ball to distract him by throwing it at him. You completely missed the target and the ball was sent crashing into the mountainside behind him, causing it to explode and blow a hole in the stone.

But he didn't even glance its way. You understood then that to him, you're not even a threat, but maybe a pestering fly buzzing on his shoulder.

You were too ashamed to ask him to take it easier on you. You wanted to step into the shadow and disappear but he'd probably find a way to bring you out anyway.

You suggested a game of tag in which you two use elemental skills to avoid being caught. It builds your stamina and endurance, and forces you to use your brain and body to escape or infiltrate difficult situations.

Each time you managed to make progress with how you handle escape and defense, he'd grow happier.

The confusion and surprise on his face followed by a smile and proud gleam in his eyes made your heart beat faster and your blood rush to your face. To say you were flattered was an understatement. That became your motivation to continue. And even if you didn't say it you took his genuine reaction as a compliment.

This whole game of tag lasted for about another month in which your escaping abilities and control over both geo and hydro has increased significantly. You still weren't the best but you could hold your own against a few monsters and slimes if needed.

As for weapon training, you were still shit at it. If anyone had to grade you, they would give you a 3/10 for at least trying. It was 10 times cooler to see Morax wield his weapon at something else other than you when you asked him to show you some moves.

Xiao has yet to make an appearance and Venti has not said a word to you but you have a feeling he's listening from time to time. At least when you decide to make a fool out of yourself and sing in the outskirts of Liyue the wind seems to pick up and dance around you. You like to think that Venti is enjoying your solos.

But even if you're happy with what you have here, there's still this nagging feeling at the back of your head telling you that you should leave and that something is coming. Even not using SYNC doesn't help. You're quite positive that the whole boom boom event is nearing closer. The others around you might not feel it but you can feel some sort of tension in the air and you wonder if it's Celestia.

Speaking of, do they know about you? How come you haven't been brought up by them? Maybe the tension is them being paranoid that you're going to interfere?

You can see the faint outline of a floating island in the sky. It's very far but still closer than you'd imagine.

Do you even want to interfere? You do want to visit Khaenri'ah before the place goes to shit. Maybe you could ask someone to guide you to it? You're not sure where it is since nobody seems to speak of it.

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