ACT 1 : Chapter 10

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The woman whose name you learned to be Rhinedottir, but asked you to just call her Gold, led you to an area where her personal alchemy lab was. The building itself was gigantic and all to herself!

"Do you sleep in here too? Why do you need so much space anyway?"

You ask as you follow her through the maze of the building. Screw being cautious of her, at this point she's just weird for having such a big building to herself.

"If you're truly who I think you are, you should know that I create too and conduct many experiments. So, I need a lot of space for my projects and all the knowledge I have to be held."

"Yeah, I get that you know who I am and what my position in Teyvat is, but why ask me to come here? Would it not benefit you to just kidnap me or something?"

She opens the door and steps inside. You follow her and you realize it's an examination room.

"So you know of other people's goals?" She stops in her tracks.

"More or less. I know you're very good at alchemy and stuff and it's not exactly hidden knowledge that your nation doesn't like gods and stuff, especially to be ruled over."

"You understand that we have our reasons, yes?" She asks coldly and resumes her steps. "Take a seat on the table. I'd like to take a look at you."

"I thought you said just talk?" You make a face.

Gold just rolls her eyes. "Then, will you allow me to examine you?"

You expected that she would ask to examine you. I mean, it's not every day that people get to study someone like you. And that's why you're allowing it, and besides you're kind of curious too.

"Sure, go ahead. No funny business though." You warn her lightly.

"Tsk. I'm not stupid enough to fall on your bad side. You might be pretty harmless now but I am not interested in experimenting on the entity who played a part in this world's creation." She puts on some sort of medical gloves and comes closer to you to start the procedure.

You're surprised to learn that she already figured you out. But you supposed it's only logical that she did with how smart she is and how you handled the situation. It's not like she didn't see you spawn mora in a secluded place like a damn weirdo. Right under her window too!

If you had walked away from the beginning without much of a thought or reaction, you suspect she might have left you alone on the impression that you don't care that she saw you and she better not say anything about it either.

"Heh. Yes, I know humans are kind of being walked over. But as you said, I'm pretty harmless right now... I can only work with 2 out of 7 elements so far and I've been here for 4 months now. And I have basic sword skills knowledge and no experience."

"That... sounds way more human than I thought."

"That's because I am human." You reply.

Gold is silent for a moment and for the first time, she hesitates but quickly recovers. "Care to test that?"

"Oh? And how is that?" You raise an eyebrow.

"Alchemy, of course. I want to study your blood, with your permission."

"Only if the information you find will be immediately relayed to me as well. And you have to keep this between us. I'm kind of curious too."

"Alright. So far, you feel normal, you look normal and you sound normal."

"Told you. But I am curious about the blood tests."

"Then I'll be back. Don't touch anything." She says as she leaves.

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