ACT 2 - Chapter 8

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Hi guys, another update. Unfortunately, for the (I suppose) many of you who have been waiting to be over with the Mondstadt chapters, we're not. The good news is that we're one or two chapters away from the Liyue arc! Remember that the two OCs will be revealed sometime in this arc. Also, please prepare yourself as the next chapter will have slight angst, but not too much. Thank you to everyone who has the patience to read this complicated mess of fanfiction and thank you for all the support. It motivates me in a positive way to continue writing for fun. 

"Where is this?" 

All you can see is snow, deep white snow covering everything around no matter what direction you look at. Out of habit, your whole body shivers, and goosebumps form on your skin even if the cold doesn't hurt or feels like it's gonna petrify your limbs to purple-black stones and force you to remove them for a chance of survival. 

It's not like you're not gonna regrow an arm or a leg if you have to cut it off because of frostbite. If a hole in the chest can be covered, then who's to say you can't do more freaky shit. Hell, you could very well farm your organs and donate them to people for surgery. But you're not sure how the golden aspect of your blood could affect them. Would people get superpowers if they eat you or transplant organs?

Quickly sticking your hand through your pocket dimension, you take out the longest piece of cloth you have and put it on, followed by your hat. 

The cloth is not going to provide you with much warmth, but at least you won't look as crazy as before, and the hat will shield your eyes from inevitably getting snow in them. 

"Whoever sent me here, I hope your pillow is the exact opposite temperature of what you want it to be at all times." 

You imagine that somewhere in this world, there's an unfortunate abyss mage wondering why is every pillow it puts underneath its head hot. 

You have no idea where you are and the wind is extremely aggressive. You could try to scream and wait for the storm here to pass on your message to Venti, but if that was the case, you would have felt cold air passing through at any point in Mondstadt from this mountain, assuming that you're still in the area. But not once have you felt very cold air blowing out of nowhere so Venti must have taken care of that, or something keeps it here. 

From what you can tell during the daylight, the trail is steep and you have no idea where exactly this winter comes from. From your memory, you only know of two places being snowy in this world. Dragonspine and Snezhnaya, none of which sound very pleasing. You didn't spend much time in the library to read on them.

You risk remaining stuck on either, it's just that one of them is a deadly mountain and the other is full of Fatui people and an angry archon who probably wouldn't be too happy to have you in her business uninvited. That much you do know, so no matter what it is, you are fucked if you don't figure it out. 

"It's always me, and only me. Why didn't I keep my mouth shut? I could have been there with them fighting- erm- supporting them fight a dragon instead of trying to figure out what this place is." 

You begin to walk forward. To make things easier, you use SYNC to try and heighten your senses in any way you can to aid you in your mission. It's been a while so when you begin to feel You again, it brings you some comfort.

"Ugh. Damn it." You groan.

You're knee-deep in snow and you're just thankful you're partially immortal. Then, this sneaky intrusive thought came in and knocked at your door.

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