ACT 2 - Chapter 17

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There's gonna be sick Aether fluff this chapter because I simp for him and he deserves to feel protected and cared for too. The next chapter is already written and we're gonna have even more Childe. I just have to edit it and review it more carefully. Also warning for Childe? I felt silly writing him this way, but it's definitely not a thing he's gonna do all the time. I just wanted something silly to brew behind those dead eyes.

I stared at them for way too long in an official art featuring him and got creeped  out so now I need a refresh. Love him tho.

You're not sure who the 'we' in Childe's odd choice of words is, but you sure hope it's a cultural thing, not a Fatui. 

True to his word, he did accompany you back and you got to keep yourself intact. At the inn, you were greeted by Aether, who was the only one awake so late in the night. You don't see Paimon and TT right away.

"Hey..." He whispers as soon as you get inside. 

You wave him a 'hi' and smile. He motions 'upstairs' with his hand, to which you nod. 

As soon as you're both outside your room, you close the door and walk up the stairs to the balcony. You hope Xiao isn't there to listen to whatever he wants to say. It would be very awkward. 

Aether takes a seat down on the ground and pats the space beside him. Curious, you sit down.


He looks finished, tired out of his mind with his hair is all over the place. His braid is not as neat as it has been at the beginning of the day. You feel bad for him. "Did you wait for me to come back?" You ask.

"TT woke up and wouldn't go back to sleep until you came back. I told him that I'll wait for you and to rest instead." 

"Oh... Sorry..."

He shakes his head and tries his best to give a comforting smile. "It's no trouble. I wanted to talk to you. I can't sleep yet."

It it just you or is he sweating?

"Right. You're still worried about this whole thing?" You gesture to roof behind you, hinting at the yaksha living here.

"Not just that... I-" He sighs. " I know I say this a lot but..."

You know it's about Lumine. The young man can't go a day without thinking about her and not worry. You caught him more than once in a sour mood about it.

You carefully slide your hand off your lap and take hold of his. He thanks you quietly.

"I miss my sister. But I'm not giving up. I can't." 

"I know. I miss her too." You say the last part to yourself. It's not been that long since you've seen her, but her change in personality and mindset is still something you worry about. Why would she even want to stay here when this world is not her home? 

"What? Did you say something?" 

You didn't expect him to hear that. Maybe he has a better hearing than you thought. 

"I said that I'd miss her too. I get it." 

Thankful for your validation and support, he squeezes your hand, and then he leans on your shoulder. You let him. The next few minutes are spent in silence as his body relaxes against you.

"Can you tell me about yourself?" You ask.

"Mhm...I like flowers..." He tugs at your hand as he responds.

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