Act 2 - Chapter 14

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Please check out this fanart that I believe to be of Childe. I didn't get it before why people see him as one of the most handsome in the game, but after seeing this my perception of him changed quite a bit, it's safe to assume I'm rizzed up. He still doesn't strike me as a womanizer, however he does inspire the "respect women" rizz.

And for anyone wondering, no, he won't be a womanizer. I think Childe loves his family and is way too loyal to what's important to him to ever go and play with people's hearts in that way. I think that's charming in itself and a very noble trait he has and being a womanizer just doesn't balance it right, in my opinion. Being a little crazy and the thirst for power or whatever he craves in fights and powerful enemies is enough for me to worry about. I think the best description for him in a romantic setting would be something along the lines of "I am a friend to everyone, but there is only one out there for me that I want." So imma do my best to write him in a way that's pleasing to the heart! Also, I think he's a little bit of a manipulator(?), as in he's very good at pretending to get his way, or Her way since he's so devoted to following the ice queen, so you shall expect some fakery here and I swear I'm gonna put it to good use in the future. Noele would be flabbergasted.

While you're especially glad he's finally here, you wonder why he appeared now. Then you remember what You said earlier.

She did say to not worry about the changes I have caused...



Well, it's no use to be salty about it now. Childe intervened in the end and you won't go to jail for assaulting the Millelith and helping a suspect for a great crime escape with his floating child accomplice. That would make you an accomplice too, wouldn't it?

Said man does a flip and lands in the middle of them and with just two swings of a sword the rest of the guards fall. Your jaw drops open and you blink. If you didn't know any better, you would have thought he was trying to impress somebody. More shouts are coming from the upper part of the stairs. You don't have much time left.

Paimon still grips at your hat and when Childe turns to look back at all of you, you lock eyes for the second time and the contact lingers on for a bit before his attention shifts to your companions.

How odd.

It made you feel seen unnaturally like the redhead was seeing right past your wall of lies, deception, and secrets. It made you slightly uncomfortable but at the same time, it only made you more weary of him.

He's dangerous. I guess it's only fair he sees through my mask if he's wearing one 24/7 himself.

"Come with me."

Aether looks at him suspiciously and says nothing. Childe stares back at him calmly. You look between them with urgency. "It's okay." You mutter to your companions.

"Are you sure?" Paimon asks for both of them.

No, you're not.

Other You did warn you against him, but that doesn't mean he couldn't help. You're willing to take the risk. You nod and take Aether's hand in yours, squeezing it softly. He reluctantly nods and you take the sign as approval.

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