ACT 2 - Chapter 9

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Thankfully, after some talking and convincing, Albedo said yes, but not without paying him first.

And how did you do it?

You let him do a full body examination, answered some questions, and agreed to be his test subject.

At first, you were apprehensive about it.

After all, how bad is it to be his test subject? He can't be worse than Gold.

What you agreed to was nothing like you expected. You imagined yourself being strapped down to a table, sedated, and cut open for him to explore your inside like those frogs you see in every high school movie scene all while Albedo was hovering above you menacingly with a scalpel before succumbing to sleep.

This didn't sound too bad if you'd be unconscious. You wouldn't feel anything, see anything, or hear anything, and by the time it'd be done, hopefully, you'd be healed and new like a newborn, but that's not what happened.

While you daydreamed about mad alchemist Albedo, the real-life Albedo took his sweet time to collect some sort of bottle from inside one of his many storage units, then he grabbed a pencil and what looked like a book before he turned to face you again.

You don't know how much time has passed but your delusion was immediately crushed to pieces by him dangling the potion in front of your eyes like some sort of prize. It had a weird vomit color and you immediately became suspicious of it, but passed it as a normal thing, considering that potions are usually not meant to look good, but to do things.

However, this looked just like spinach in a fancy laboratory bottle. You were a bit confused about it but drank it nonetheless, without questions.

You quickly came to the conclusion that this potion should not exist, the moment the content inside made contact with your poor taste buds.

It tasted like mold, bad dairy, and had the consistency of 80% fat raw expired milk combined with hair and other things you can't even name, which is extremely worrying and it almost made you projectile vomit rainbow colors to the point of getting rid of your stomach acid followed by a stage one dying intestines, but you held yourself strong through sheer Determination against that nightmare of textures and taste. You wouldn't give this to your worst enemy.

Your back immediately arched as you desperately wanted to slap yourself awake from this fever dream. Your whole body was suddenly assaulted with multiple sensations, from burning to tingling with electricity, sickness and so many others you don't remember.

When you blinked through the tears, you were no longer sitting in the chair, but sitting on his work table, and you were too busy concentrating on keeping the mess inside you to notice Albedo's surprised expression at watching you disappear in front of him and reappear behind him, on his worksheets nonetheless. But perhaps he deserved that one.

You shed tears, trembled, bit your hand, and did literally anything to distract yourself from the disgusting taste that lingered in your mouth. On another note, you're pretty sure that the potion would have killed anyone else who wasn't you but not before forcing them to go through everything you barely managed to avoid taking you out of commission temporarily.

You hanged on for dear life with your teeth. You don't want to imagine how normal people would react.

What kind of eldritch concoction of evil did you brew, man?!

That was singlehandedly the most disgusting, repulsive, gross, pulled from hell's deepest room, inexcusable should-not-exist potion your taste buds ever had the chance to die over. You would have thought he was trying to kill you if you hadn't told him beforehand that you hadn't died despite having been impaled.

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