ACT 2 - Chapter 18

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As agreed, the two outlanders split from the group and followed the road TT marked on their map of Liyue.

As for you, TT and Zhongli, you have settled on making the pot at his place to not bring suspicion upon yourselves, besides the bonus that you'll have the privacy you need to practice.

The place hasn't changed much, in fact, it could use some dusting here and there since the older man didn't seem to have bothered, which was surprising as the bathroom seemed to be the only thing spotless and cluttered with all kinds of expensive-looking stuff.

The clutter is not that surprising either since he always liked to take long, relaxing baths and use the highest quality products. That's how he keeps smelling so nice and looking fresh. Not that you're sniffing him, but the weirdos pinning after him do.


Back to the pot-making situation, he could have probably done it himself in just a moment, however, since he's settled on being mortal and thus acting like one, spawning objects out of nowhere with supernatural powers is not a thing mortals do nowadays, or ever.

You still can't believe he didn't think of putting some mora aside before stepping off the throne.

So that's why he settled on building you a detailed and well-drawn blueprint and sent poor TT to the market to buy you the ore you needed to form and combine to make a pot durable enough to withstand the elemental reactions while dealing with them, by hand.

The results were ok at best. 17 pots later made out with sweat and tears, Zhongli finally agrees to the current one as being good enough, not even perfect, just good enough. You glare and point at the other pots shoved in the corner of the room. "What the snacks are up with those?"

It's not that easy to manually use pyro, geo and hydro at the same time, Mister Knowledgeable and Talented!

Zhongli sips on his tea elegantly then pours some into TT's cup. The rabbit's ear twitches at the sounds of tea pouring and he sends his thanks while continuing to read from a book he picked up from one of the shelves.

I'd kill for some tea right now.

"The rest of them will be sold cheaper. Call it... Recycling." Zhongli answers.

You deadpan. Whatever.

"Jeez. This was a lot harder than I thought it would be." You collapse on the chair closest to you, exhausted, with your limbs sprawled unceremoniously.

"What have you used this for so far?" Zhongli asks.

The question makes you pause. You know you could do such amazing things with it, but so far you've only used it as a bank account, a pencil sharpener, a paper supplier and to get stupid or random objects you need in an instant. Your pocket dimension has many duplicates of those things, as most are unknown to this world and you don't like to litter. But the most impressive thing you made was a butterfly. That's it.

"Well..." You sigh and wipe the sweat off your eyebrows. "It's a creature."

His eyes pierce yours playfully and he smirks subtly while getting up and approaching your seat. "Oh? Perhaps you'd like to enlighten me?" He raises a curious eyebrow, looking down at your sprawled disheveled form.

"Mmm, maybe."

You're feeling a bit salty for making you go through this with no warning whatsoever. The feeling came most probably because you also forgot how tiring training with him can be when he's expecting nothing but good results, at least with such things, not that you're not allowed to fail, of course.

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