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Chapter 016

    "He is with An Lin, the youngest daughter of Earl An Zhiyuan." Qin Xingyuan said. "Anlin also begged his father to let her join the training of 'Blade of the Empire' just because of Owen. Tsk tsk tsk, what a love story between a poor genius boy and a noble lady." "I hang up." "Huh


    — Qin

    Xingyuan looked at the message "Your communication has ended" on the screen and sneered.

    What, can't you eat dog food? It's up to you.

    After Shi Han hung up the communication, he closed his eyes. In the virtual world, he jumped into the star network, and his mental power jumped one link after another in the network extending in all directions, collecting information as numerous as stars, and finally summarized it in a database. Correlation ranking, and all keywords and photos containing clues are extracted, face recognition, cross-comparison.

    After a while, the traces of Owen during this period of time appeared in his mind in the form of a timeline in detail, and where there was no information, they were replaced by question marks.

    Put these into the same database, and conveniently named it "Owen's Life". After doing this, Shi Han suddenly felt that he was a bit abnormal.

    No, it's very perverted.

    Forget about him, Shihan is no longer a human being. He is now an AI, AI, can it be called a pervert?

    Of course, Shi Han collected Owen's information not because he was really abnormal, but because he felt that there was something wrong with it, like a jigsaw puzzle that was forcibly fitted together. From a distance, it seemed to be perfectly fitted, but when you looked closely, you could find that it was crooked.

    Some clues are missing.

    As a cadre of the intelligence bureau in his previous life, Shi Han had seen the name of the "Blade of the Empire" talent project in the files, but he just glanced over it. Shi Han, who was used to keeping all the information in his head, didn't read that copy, because the confidentiality level of the "Blade of the Empire" file was too high.

    Later, when he was making a world model, he almost plundered one millisecond of computing resources in the entire galaxy, causing unprecedented "millisecond chaos". He also got all the computer data, but those were processed by the entire galaxy, not Shihan himself, so he still doesn't know what the "Blade of the Empire" is.

    I only recall that the "Blade of the Empire" project was finally stopped, and it was at the same time as the big explosion of the Venus Super School.

    Very suspicious.

    Earl Anzhiyuan later died in a battle for the throne, the day after Owen took the throne. Owen didn't pardon anyone. The high-energy light from the laser gun pierced through An Zhiyuan's head in an instant, giving off the smell of barbecue.

    If An Zhiyuan was Owen's father-in-law, wouldn't he be so cruel? Shihan didn't know.


    A day later, Shi Han returned to the White House's base camp, the "Rose".

    The first thing he did was to find Thomas, the operator who had brought him to Aisha's room.

    Thomas opened the hatch of his room without saying hello, turned around and sat back in his seat, looking at the screen in front of him, editing the video. He put the device connecting mental power on his head, and asked while working: "Shihan, did you hand over that little noble girl?

After Rebirth, I Became the AI of the God of War [Interstellar]Where stories live. Discover now