C31 - C40

586 10 4

The time-honored proverb of shooting the bird with a gun has its own truth. All the subordinates with all kinds of small thoughts are looking at the dead body, and they are all secretly glad that they are not the first to jump out. .

Who would have thought that a fourteen-year-old girl would be so ruthless? From this point of view, she was quite like her father.

The subordinates who no longer dared to object to pressed their trembling fingers, reported their work one by one like quails, and left the conference hall as if fleeing.

Seeing that her subordinates were terrified of her, Aisha frowned, and told the couple who were still respectfully standing beside her: "Next, after you have assisted in cleaning up, you will follow my orders to deal with those who oppose me, and Give them rewards to divide those diehards."

Black Yao and Bai Yin looked at each other, seeing surprise in each other's eyes. For a young girl to issue such an order, at least it proves that she is ruthless and has enough brains. No matter which point, it is an indispensable quality for an underground kingdom leader.

Chief, your daughter... is already a qualified leader.


They answered in unison.

After the obsidian and silver couple left, Aisha sat alone for a while, thinking about the next plan. He must firmly grasp the underground forces in the 18th district left by his father before the formal actions of the Reform Party begin.


In the late night of Qiu Ri Xing, Aisha had just finished processing some documents when she received a video conference from Shi Han.

On the screen, Shi Han was standing in the cab, and Owen was sitting next to him. When he didn't have to act in front of outsiders, Owen was as expressionless as ever, as if his eyes were frozen. Meanwhile, Shi Han's mouth was slightly curved, and he smiled gently and politely, but Aisha felt that his smile never had any emotion.

This inhuman, inorganic smile sometimes gave her the creeps.

"I received a task from Lee Jin Hee, and this will be our goal for the next month."

Shi Han's fingers moved slightly, and fluorescent blue lines appeared in front of him, interweaving into a three-dimensional star map. He tapped one of the areas and zoomed in with two fingers until a slowly rotating galaxy appeared in front of them.

"The 33rd Sanxing District, Planet X-2, Dark River Prison, we are going there to save a person." After Shi Han finished his description, he called up the prisoner's information, and said to Aisha on the opposite side of the screen: "The above is you I can know. Since you have not yet completed the integration of your forces, you will not participate in this mission, but in accordance with the principle of information sharing, we need to let you know our next actions. I hope you can fully Take control of the inheritance your father left you."

"Okay." Aisha nodded and was silent for a few seconds, but she couldn't help asking: "Is the risk high?"

"A little bit. But we also have a reinforcement plan, no need Worried."

"I'm not worried about you!" Aisha turned off the video.

Shi Han tilted his head, and asked Owen with a question mark on his face: "The child has reached puberty?"

Owen: "..." After a while, Owen changed the subject and said

, "Do you know why Li Zhenxi rescued this person?"

The light curtain displayed the information of this special prisoner.

Name: Linge

Gender: Male

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