C41 - C50

636 10 12

They came to the seventh floor underground.

Qin Xingyuan looked up at the instruction screen of the elevator, and a line of silver-white words scrolled on the dark blue background:


Welcome to the experimental area-biological area

Qin Xingyuan's wrist was pressed tightly against the edge of his trouser leg.

"From here onwards, it's the core area of ​​the underground base."

Ai Fu held his other hand. Since she was not much taller than Qin Xingyuan, her actions didn't look like a bird, but rather a fierce lion.

They passed through the laboratories, during which Aifu tried her best to play the role of commentator, but Qin Xingyuan couldn't listen to a word.

He breathed a sigh of relief when he first saw those dejected researchers, as if he had suddenly returned to reality and got rid of those cheerful but weird soldiers. But normal didn't last long. After walking through a few laboratories, the experimenters gradually became expressionless, and the sense of fear like a human. leather mask surfaced in their hearts.

Their deadpan is not apathy, nor frustration, but pure indifference, as if nothing makes sense. Their uniformity undoubtedly aggravated the sense of weirdness and fear, making Qin Xingyuan's hairs stand on end. In order not to let Ave notice the abnormality, he pulled his arm out of her hand, and said with the best acting skills of his life, "Ive, I'm going to the bathroom." "Oh, okay." Ai Fu Fu looked him up without any trace, and smiled; "The first corridor from the left, the smart ID card you wear after you come here can also project the map, so don't worry if you can't find it. I'll wait for you here." Qin Xingyuan pressed the map Go to the bathroom door, go in and close the door. He took a deep breath. Spend a sliver of mental power to explore the surrounding environment, and after confirming safety, concentrate on dismantling the identity card.

In this building, without an ID card, the alarm would be triggered immediately, so he needed to take out the tracker inside separately and hide it in the gap of the sink.

Qin Xing was not as good at these things as Shi Han, but he was no fool and completed this task with amazing calmness and speed. He walked out of the bathroom, controlled the cameras along the way with his mental power, and went straight to an unmanned host that was turned on.

While walking, he tore off the virtual skin on his hands, and when he walked to the machine, a memory card was inserted into the slot without any mistakes. The program immediately began to upload automatically, and the ten seconds to crack the computer's protection measures seemed extremely long. A figure walked past the corner, and the elongated shadow was projected on the wall in front of him. Qin Xingyuan huddled under the desk, and might be discovered at any time. He simply didn't know how he survived that terrifying ten seconds. Finally, he saw the faint green light of the indicator light, and immediately pulled out the card and left. When he was still avoiding the experimenters in the corner, Shi Han's signal was sent from the ID card hanging around his neck, and the mental power he released directly entered his mind: "Go back to the bathroom immediately, recover the tracker, the camera I've already dealt with it, and there's no one in the bathroom. Ive is coming this way." Qin Xingyuan was so frightened that he ran away. Fortunately, he didn't meet too many people on the way, but he almost bumped into an experimenter. It was too late to see who it was, and finally slipped into the bathroom before Ive arrived. Qin Xingyuan closed the door, a heart was about to jump out of his chest. After pressing the tracker back into the ID card as quickly as possible, he breathed a sigh of relief, and washed his face with a handful of cold water with slightly trembling hands. Ai Fu's voice came from outside the door: "Qin Xingyuan, are you okay?" Qin Xingyuan responded, "Right away!" During those two seconds, he controlled his trembling hands, put on a casual smile, and pushed away the door. "I'm sorry to keep the beauty waiting for a long time. I'm a little troublesome."

To the outside world, he is an image of a young master who is very concerned about his appearance. During the banquet, he often sneaks into the bathroom to tidy up his appearance, so Ive just inspected it and seemed to dispel his doubts.

"Let's go, there are still a few floors to visit."

Qin Xingyuan nodded.

The most dangerous mission has been completed. He successfully implanted that program and opened a back door for Shi Han inside the base. Now Shihan has already hacked into that computer and his smart ID card, and has quietly infiltrated into the surroundings.

With Shi Han's help, the next thing will be much easier.

Qin Xingyuan, who didn't know the truth, still believed that Shi Han was a hidden human boss, and firmly believed in it.

Shi Han's voice came again: "Now, she will take you to the 8th, 9th, and 10th floors. Below the 10th floor is the 11th floor, which is where the intelligence center is located. She will not take you there, but neither will I. You need to go to the 11th floor to take risks. You only need to install an obstacle program in a position on the 10th floor."

Obstacle? What does Shi Han want to do?

Qin Xing looked at his arrangement from a distance, and always felt that he was besieging something to prevent it from escaping. The 11th floor... Could it be the main intelligence of this base?

It dawned on him.

Could it be that the main intelligence of this base is an AI life?

But what does Shihan want an AI life that has been bound to its master?

He shook his head, pushing the thought out of his mind. The most important thing now is to complete the task, and Shi Han can take out the information from this base. Those materials can not only help him complete the task of the Reform Party, but also allow him to find some clues in it as a bargaining chip against Ive and Sylvia.

They walked through the rest of the floors, chatting happily, and the atmosphere was harmonious.

The tenth floor is the network information laboratory, which is now empty. Ave apologized for this; "There are not many people here, and they are on holiday today, so I can't introduce them to you."

"I'm really sorry." Eve said suddenly, "I want to go to the bathroom. You can wait for me here for a while. There is nothing to see here except the machines. We will leave when I come out." Qin Xingyuan couldn't believe it

. Such a wonderful opportunity presented itself. He replied calmly: "Okay, I am indeed a little bored."

Ive left gracefully.

After her figure disappeared from the range of mental perception, Qin Xingyuan immediately ran to the target location, turned on the computer, and followed the same steps to send the memory card in.

After a while, the green light representing the success of the upload came on, and he was about to crush the little thing in his palm when a familiar voice sounded behind him.

"What are you doing, Young Master of the Qin family?"

As if hit by a blizzard, his whole body stiffened. Turning his head slowly, what came into view was Ive's half-smile face, the "vacation employees" coming out of each door...

and hundreds of laser weapons pointed at him.

Qin Xingyuan raised his hands, his face was pale, and his tone was calm: "When did you find out?"

Ai Fu smiled and didn't answer.

A piece of information from Shi Han entered Qin Xingyuan's mind.

"On the B7 floor, when you ran into the experimenter when you hurried back to the bathroom, she knew about it. Then she quietly notified the anomalous program while setting up an ambush on the B10 floor, because I transferred the backdoor program in time , She thought you failed on the B7 floor. The B10 floor is the most vulnerable place to be invaded after the B11 floor, and she concluded that you will attack here again."

Qin Xingyuan gritted his teeth.

Was it a failure from the start?

"Yes. You failed at that time, and you can't escape here. So I didn't tell you, but used you to implant the program on the B10 layer again. This program is in your hands now, and you hand it over to them truthfully , they will think that you want to restrict the activities of the central intelligence to facilitate the theft of information. Please tell them that you are doing it for your own ambition, and don't tell the organization. You are a nobleman, they will not kill you, we will rescue you."

Qin Xingyuan shuddered.

Shi Han had been deceiving him from the very beginning, just for the purpose of maximizing the use of waste, and even thought about what excuse to use to push the suspicion on him alone.

"They scanned it with mental power, and I will leave immediately. Please don't forget your identity."

After this information was entered, the signal disappeared from his brain.

He couldn't refute Shi Han's words. Logically speaking, as an abandoned child, he should indeed take all the suspicions on him and save Shi Han's backup in this base.

He just felt that... being deceived by his comrades without hesitation made him feel a twinge of pain in his heart.

Then it became empty.

He looked up, looked at Ive who was holding an assault gun, and showed a wry smile.

In any case, he had plenty of trouble to deal with now.


In the virtual space, Shi Han stopped at the only exit, and cast his eyes on the light group in the center of the protection.

This is the advanced AI of Sylvia's family, Garcia.

Under Shi Han's gaze, its shape distorted, gradually changing from a ball of light into the shape of a young man with calm and melancholy eyes.

"Garcia, can you move around freely?" Shi Han asked.

"I can not......"

Garcia raised his hands, and the slave program that bound the master was concretized into chains one after another, wrapping from the neck to the ankles. He took a step closer to Shi Han, approaching the port, the chain flashed immediately, pulling him back a step.

Shi Han frowned. It seems that the high-level AI of the noble family, especially the one that does not move in the base, is much more difficult to deal with than Alice and Hyosung back then.

Garcia had no hostility towards him at all, and he didn't want to run away. He looked at the constraints around him with those melancholy eyes, and finally moved to Shi Han, as if silently pleading.

Shi Han tried to stretch his mental power to analyze and destroy those chains, but as soon as he started modifying those codes, Garcia shouted with a red warning message: "No!" "What?" "The alarm will be triggered


" Garcia cherishes words like gold.

"Then I'll liberate you next time." Shi Han said, "Before that, I want to ask you a few questions."

Garcia nodded, indicating to continue.

"Are you a survivor of AI civilization?"


"Do you know who I am?"

Garcia lowered his head: "You are a descendant of the original master."

"How do you determine? Have you seen me?"

"No. After being captured by human beings, the memories that should not have been washed away, I don't remember you, but your abilities belonged to the original adult, and the adult already..." Garcia became

depressed, and Shihan understood that he couldn't say anything If so, the original is dead.

"The original leader of the AI ​​civilization? Can you explain it to me in detail?"

"No. The slave logic prevents me from leaking this part of the information." "

I see." Shi Han said, "I'll come back when I break through here next time." Looking for you."

Garcia's eyes lit up.

After Rebirth, I Became the AI of the God of War [Interstellar]Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat