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Chapter 022

    "This brat still wants to escape, he's beyond his control." The male officer's voice sounded.

    "They have fallen into this situation because they overestimated themselves." The woman's voice chuckled. "You said, how could anyone be so stupid as to believe that nobles would spend three years training civilians with good intentions and recommending them to serve as officers in the imperial army? The economic effect has been discovered in the activities of economic effect... Who doesn't want a puppet?" "

    My dear, keep your voice down, the Earl will be coming later."

    Owen didn't have the fluke idea of hoping that they would leave quickly, but is ready. In the darkness, a pair of gray-blue eyes lit up, and his whole body was slightly arched, like a wolf driven to a corner.

    Amidst the officer's conversation, the door opened.

    A figure swooped out of the tool room with unexpected speed, and quickly grabbed the knife at the waist of the female officer standing on the left with one hand, which was far stronger than the mental strength of ordinary C-ranks. He came out, tightly wrapped around the gun in the hand of the male officer standing on the right, and confronted the B-rank mental power head-on, snatching the control of the gun.

    Owen persisted for a second in front of a higher level of mental power, and that second was enough for the laser blade in his hand to cut through the automatic shield equipped by the female officer and cut all the way into her fragile neck.

    A head fell to the ground, and he died with regret.

    The male officer finally reacted, released the equipment around his waist with crushing mental power, and nailed Owen to the ground. He roared and kicked Owen's ribs.

    The teenager who was bleeding from the corner of his lip laughed as if he couldn't feel the pain. "Huh... How does it feel to lose something you cherish? Cough—"

    The officer kicked hard again, like a red-eyed beast, and put the muzzle of the gun on Owen's head.

    Looks like true love. Owen spat out a mouthful of blood and smiled even more happily.

    "Lin Xuan! Calm down!" Another captain-level officer who rushed over stopped the male officer named Lin Xuan, and said, "You go to rest, and I will deal with him. We can't kill him. Miss An Lin told him a week ago I've emphasized that I'm still waiting to take him away."

    An Lin...take him away?

    Of course Owen didn't think that An Lin would come to save him. If she wanted to save him, she had countless hours to tell him.

    What she wants to take away is his body; what she wants to trample on is his soul.

    Owen was dragged away by the captain's hair, and the bright red bloodstains were dragged from the hiding place to the brainwashing laboratory.

    At this time, there was no one there, only rows of machine-like inhumans standing in the corner, they were his former classmates. They are deprived of their freedom, just like artificial intelligence, although they have a mind, they must obey orders.

    They stood neatly in a line, turned their heads in unison under the control of the noble officer, and hundreds of pairs of eyes stared at him silently, from when he was dragged through the door to when he was thrown into the machine.     The brainwashing machine is huge, shaped like an upside-down white hemisphere, with dozens of seats on the platform. He was pressed onto one of them, and there was a rustling sound, four pieces of metal cuffed his limbs tightly, and his head was fixed on a bracket. His skin was bloody, but he couldn't feel the pain anymore.     The captain clapped his hands and the machine started.     There was a sharp stabbing pain in his brain, as if an external spiritual force entered, trying to stir his soul into a pile of meaningless paste. That was brainwashing, it would destroy his independent consciousness and turn him into a puppet like his former classmates who were watching him.     And he has no way out.     The sharp stinging pain dissipated, which was a precursor to the beginning of mental breakdown. His eyes were full of shattered memories.

After Rebirth, I Became the AI of the God of War [Interstellar]Where stories live. Discover now