CHAPTER 12!! OML!!!!

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"What favor?" You sighed.

"Well, I certainly have a few in mind.." He looked you up and down again, landing on a piercing eye contact with a soft smile. "But I'll have to think about it. You owe me a favor, 'kay?" He winked.

Heizou entered the room again with a kitchen knife. He cut the ropes around your body silently, and you instantly felt relieved. Now that they were off, you could feel the marks left on your skin, the rope burn.

"..." He stared at you. "Why aren't you moving?" You just stared at him. Per his vague request, you sat up, your hands at your sides supporting your body.

"Well, it's about time I give you the summary of your journey up until here from where you left off, isn't it?" Kazuha asked.

"Yes." You responded, bluntly.

"So basically, we left Nazuchi beach, Heizou was being a hardass again with a stick up his ass again for some reason and we got in another fight," Kazuha explained. Heizou held the knife up to his neck.

"Careful, dumbass." He threatened, snarling. Kazuha swiftly hit the knife out of his hands, throwing it to the side. Heizou scoffed.

"Back to my point, we got in an argument once again, and Heizou 'accidentally' knocked you out in a fit of rage. We panicked, but Heizou figured it was the perfect opportunity to escort you to your new home! Hence, your presence here." Kazuha's face went blank.

"I see." Were the simple words you gave in response.

"We should show them around." Heizou uttered with a twisted expression.

"Agreed." Kazuha sighed, standing up along with Heizou. Kazuha reached out his hand for you to grab. You figured why not, you're already screwed enough.

Once you stood up, you realized how weak your legs were and, shaking, almost fell to the ground before Kazuha caught you. He chuckled, eyes closed. You regained your balance and held onto him for support, although it was undignifying.

You hated this. You hated how they treated you and how they violated your privacy and didn't listen to you. You hated how they fought. You hated how charming they were nevertheless, and you hated how you probably would have fallen in love with them if things didn't turn out how they had. You hated this tragic "romance", or however you'd call this messed up situation. Heizou had literally killed somebody, now that you connect the dots. Plus, they kidnapped you and made you feel gross.

The three of you walked down a corridor. Heizou side-eyed Kazuha and grabbed your other hand.

The hallway was only some 10 meters long, and soon enough you arrived in a small, warm lighted room with a table, chairs, a beautiful Japanese handmade-looking carpet, curtains attached to the ceiling, and a single teacup on the table.

"This is the heart of the 'house', per se. We hang out here while talking, or eating. You'll be able to stick around here later when we finish with your living arrangements." Kazuha explained.

You all walked to a doorway connected to the heart of the house, and walked through it. This appeared to be a bedroom. There was a single queen-sized bed, a bedside table, a desk, a pot of wilting flowers, and a standard looking carpet. A suspicious looking closet was in the corner of the back of the room, but that wasn't elaborated on.

"This is my room." Kazuha spoke softly, even delightfully. It seemed he enjoyed having you in his room, maybe in some sick kind of way. You'd never know, I guess. You nodded, though you were curious as to what was in the closet. It was quite a pretty closet, actually. Golden embroidery on mahogany wood, handmade with wooden carving designs as well. It was like a centerpiece off to the side.

𝓾𝓷𝓭𝓮𝓻 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓬𝓱𝓮𝓻𝓻𝔂 𝓫𝓵𝓸𝓼𝓼𝓸𝓶𝓼  ♡ || Yandere Heizou x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now