Iolanthe Potter Chapter #4

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The scene shifts to Sirius Black packing some boxes. As he packs, the door slams open, and a very angry Amelia Susan Bones storms his office. "How in Merlin's name could you?!" she shouts, pulling him by his tie.

"Ah," Sirius sighs, "they told you."

"Of course they told me!" Amelia rages, "in fact, I just came out of a meeting with the imbecile we call a minister, and found out that you quit your job!"

"It's more complicated then that Amy," Sirius says, seeming more tired then before, "I was just going to come tell you myself. Join me for lunch, and I promise I'll explain it all."

"Fine," Amelia huffs, "this better be good."

"Seems like your taking Melia on a date Siri," Lydia teased her brother.

"That's not what it looked like to me at all," Sirius denies, "in fact, she looked like she was going to kill me."

"Nah," Lydia says dismissively, "definitely a date."

Sirius and Amelia are seen sitting in Sirius's kitchen, and Sirius is seen putting food in front of Amelia. He then sits down, and begins his explanation. "You know what I was like after Lydia was killed," Sirius voice is hollow, and he's tearing up, "I was a mess. I was newly married, responsible for a baby, and dwelling and stuck in all the tragedy that had happened."

"Of course I remember," Amelia's voice is softer, she's calmed down, "in fact, I was really nervous about giving Iola to you. You were certainly not in the right headspace for raising a child. But I gave her to you anyways, and thank Merlin it all worked out."

"It nearly didn't," Sirius confessed, "I was angry. Angry at the auror department, angry at Snape, and most importantly angry with myself. If I had just not taken my honeymoon, I would have been there, and I maybe could have saved Lydia. The feeling of walking in late to work, and your auror partner hands you your niece and tells you, "Your sister's dead," is forever ingrained in my memory."

"I know the feeling," Amelia's face turns stoney, "except most of my nieces and nephews didn't make it out alive. Of all 27 members of the Bones Family, only Susan and I are left."

The calm in the hall is completely discarded as chatter breaks out, and people are comforting each other. Amelia is seen leaving the hufflepuff table, and joining her siblings at the Gryffindor table.

"How could they?" Amelia is seen muttering, "I'll get them for this!"

"We lost so many," Sirius continues, grasping her hand to console her, "I could handle that. I could handle the Mckinnion's Massacre, the Prewett twins being slaughtered, and although barely, I could handle my brother-in-law Benjy's demise. We only got back pieces of him Amy, and I could handle it. Compartmentalized. I was broken, but I could move on. I wouldn't allow it to break me."

The victims and their families were seen consoling each other, cries being heard all over. Most of the hall stayed quiet in honor of the victims, but some slytherins reveled in it.

"I wonder who chopped Fenwick up," Antonin Dolohov questions, "It must have been Rabastan, he gets off of things like that."

"Those mudbloods deserve it," Lucius sneers to his sister-in-law Bellatrix, "might you have had a hand in it?"

"Oh I do hope so," Bellatrix cackles, "I would love to try the knives Rodolphus bought me. They would be perfect for such a role."

"I agree my wife," Rodolphus concurs to his wife, "although I would love to have been the one to end those twins."

"Watch yourselves," Lydia Potter stands up, eyes flashing that eery silver the films had shown, "things like that can get you into azkaban."

"So she can control it," Rookwood mutters to himself, "the Dark Lord will be interested in this."

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