Flashbacks Chapter #18

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"How much longer?" a worn out Sirius Potter asks the doctor.

"Ms. Potter has entered a stage called prolonged labour," the Medi-witch explains gently, "she's been having contractions for 21 hours straight, and the baby is only 9 cm dilated. She has 1 cm left before she can begin pushing."

"Poor Lydia," Tina gasps, "that is not a fun situation."

All the mothers in the room resonate with the poor girl's suffering. No matter muggleborn, halfblood, or pureblood, labour HURTS.

"This sucks," Lydia's voice is heard from the other room, "oh, is Sirius up now?"

"Yes Ms. Potter," another medi-witch informs Lydia, "Mr. Potter has awoken. He should have a rather nasty concussion, but is otherwise uninjured."

"Thank Merlin," Lydia breathed, "for a moment there, I thought I did some real damage."

"I'm coming in," Sirius gets up, "I'm not leaving you alone."

"Thanks Siri," Lydia smiles as Sirius sits back down next to her, "did Ickle Reg go home?"

"I got Andy to apparate him to my apartment," Sirius whispers, "didn't want the polyjuice wearing off in Mungo's. He was able to keep drinking while he was conscious, but once you knocked him out, it was a security risk."

"So I'm aware Regulus is alive," Andromeda smiles, "good."

"Ms. Potter," the medi-witch speaks softly, "you're fully dilated now. You can begin pushing."

Suddenly, screaming was heard, as medi-witches were rushing patients in and out of rooms.

"What's going on?" Lydia cried from her bed, "go check Siri!"

"I'm not leaving you," Sirius insisted, "I made a promise."

Lydia sighed, and began preparing to push. The doctor gave instructions, and Lydia pushed. Unbeknownst to the doctor, the Potter witch's eyes were glowing silver the entire time.

"Why are her eyes glowing?" Euphemia asked her husband, "mine didn't glow when I gave birth to Lydia."

"And my mother's didn't glow when she gave birth to Charlus," Fleamont stroked his beard, "while I don't know about my own birth, I can assume Lyddie's eyes are glowing because she's a Potter by blood, directly passing along the death title."

"OW," Sirius cried, as his arm was crushed, "a little less strength Lyds, if you would."

"Sorry Siri," a panting Lydia Potter apologized, "this stuff kills. A horrible way to spend one's birthday."

"I know," Sirius brushed her hair out of her face with his functioning arm, "you're almost done. I'll get you a nice birthday treat."

Minutes ticked by, and suddenly, the cries of baby Iola are heard. The medi-witches quickly clean, wrap her up, and hand her over to her waiting mother.

"Hello my little Iolanthe," Lydia cooed, "seems you've decided to finally grace us with your presence."

"Let's get that arm fixed," a medi-witch guides Sirius to the room he was in while he was knocked out, "Ms. Potter will be fine, I assure you."

"Sirius is so protective," Lyetta giggled, "it's really endearing."

"Do you happen to know what all the screaming was about earlier?" Lydia asked her medi-witch, "it was really sad."

"I really shouldn't be telling you this," the medi-witch whispered, "but I know you're a good friend of Amelia Bones."

"Amelia's hurt?!" Lydia shouted, fear overtaking her heart. Iolanthe begins crying, and Lydia rocks her back to sleep.

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