Iolanthe Potter Chapter #10

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The scene shifts to Iola waking up after her visit with her father. "Iola!" Sirius rushed to lift her out of the water, "did it all go well?"

"I saw my dad," Iola whimpers, "he said he loves me."

"Oh Iola," Sirius scoops her into a hug, "it's going to be alright."

"He said to tell you thank you," Iola sobs, "and that he's glad that your my daddy."

"He did?" Sirius tears up, "he doesn't mind?"

"This is heartbreaking," Hestia Jones sobbed, "they deserve so much better."

"There, there," Dorcas offers her a tissue, "it'll be alright."

"What's going on Dad?" Benjy asks, "I think it's high time for explanations."

"I can do it if you need," Regulus put his hand on Sirius's shoulder, "I don't mind."

"Will we finally get an explanation for Regulus's involvement?" Fleamont asks to no one in particular.

"I hope so," Regulus said, "I want to know how hard my future self had to bang my head to get involved in all this insanity."

"I take offense Baby Black," Lydia says, but isn't really offended.

"You start," Sirius gets up, "I'm going to get the package."

"You all know the story of the three brothers," Regulus began, "so I won't even bother. I'm going to start off by telling you that the truth can often be found in pieces of fiction. The three Peverell brothers were real people."

"We know that," Callie says, rolling her eyes, "we've been to their graves when visiting Auntie Lydia's."

"Sometimes I forget how clever you are," Regulus shakes his head, "anyways, Antioch was killed for the elder wand, which is currently held by Albus Dumbledore."

"You're the holder of the Elder Wand?!" people shout, "how?!"

"I won its loyalty in my duel with Gellert Grindelwald," Albus announces calmly, "it is not undefeatable."

"Interesting," Benjy mulls, "how would you know that Uncle Reggie?"

"Research," Regulus shrugs, "ever since the wizarding war, I've been a historical researcher alongside being a curse breaker."

"Oh," Benjy frowns, "that's less exciting than I thought it was."

"Sorry to disappoint," Regulus continues, "anyways, Cadmus Peverell died by his own hand, and left no heir. His stone was picked up by his younger brother Ignotus."

"So what happened to Ignotus?" Iola asks softly.

"Ignotus had asked death for a cloak that would shield from Death itself," Regulus elaborates, "and he hid. He married a woman and bore a son. His son had two daughters, Iolanthe and Valeria Peverell. They were the last Peverells to exist. Iolanthe married Hardwin Potter and Valeria married a man named Silas Gaunt."

"I'm named after Ignotus's granddaughter?" Iola breathed, "fascinating."

"Your mother met Iolanthe many times," Regulus explains, "she described her as a fiery woman, who was fierce to the enemy, but soft to family. She said that she wanted her daughter to be exactly like her, so she named you Iolanthe."

"When do I meet Iolanthe?" Lydia wonders, "I've already met the brothers, so I guess it makes sense." 

"What does this have to do with anything?" Callie asks bored, "I hate history. You know that Uncle Reggie."

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