Iolanthe Potter Chapter #18

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The scene switches over to Iola Potter having her birthday.

"Happy birthday Anthe!" Callie Potter bounces over, mischief in her eyes, "I got you a gift."

"Please tell me it won't blow up," Iola nervously eyes the crudely wrapped gift, "far too many birthday gifts from you have."

"She takes after her aunt," Lydia brags, "I'm surprised Benjy and Iola aren't more unhinged though."

"Dorcas was a good influence," Tina smiles, "she ensured a Lydia and Sirius 2.0 wasn't created."

"I think all of us helped," Lyetta added, "we all love Lyddie dearly, but there should only be one of her in this world."

"I promise it won't," Callie said, a strangely serious look on her face, "you've put up with enough stress this year. Your birthday should be a time to relax."

"Thank you Callie," Iola kisses her sister on the cheek, "that was considerate of you."

"Open it!" Iola's classmate, Anya Floress, squealed eagerly.

Iola opened the package, and found an album in the packaging. On the cover was a white rose that was dripping with blood. Intricately painted and etched, a picture of a young Lydia Potter holding her daughter is in the photo slot of the cover.

 Intricately painted and etched, a picture of a young Lydia Potter holding her daughter is in the photo slot of the cover

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"It's well made,"  Lydia commented, "whoever painted it has skill."

"I agree," Sirius looked at the picture of Lydia and her daughter, "you look so happy in that picture."

"I do," Lydia agrees, "and it's probably because of little Iola."

"You made this?" Iola asks, flipping through the album. Pictures of Lydia Potter are shown in all the photo slots. There's photos with her and the Scamanders, her and the Longbottoms, and some with her friends. Of course, there were many others, but Iola would have the time to peruse the album later.

"Yeah," Callie sheepishly confessed, "I know your mom was called the Bloody Rose, so I painted on on the cover. Then, with Uncle Reggie's help, I owled friends and family of your mother, and asked for copies of their pictures. We wanted to get you something special. Benjy's the one who enchanted the book. It has all sorts of protective charms, and what-not. I'd ask him for the details."

Iola looks at the album in tears. Suddenly, she stands, and embraces her sister. "Thank you Callie," she whispers softly, "this was the best gift you could give me."

"Your welcome Anthe," Callie responds, "have a happy birthday."

The scene shifts to Iola sitting in a tree. "Hey Mum," she whispers, the ghostly spirit of her mother sitting beside her, "happy birthday.

"So Lydia and Iola share the same birthday," Euphemia smiles, "how special."

"Happy birthday my dearest star," Lydia wished her daughter, "may you have many more in prosperity."

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