Iolanthe Potter Chapter #11

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"It seems things are going swell for you two," Sirius was thrilled to have ammo against his sister, "looking great there."

"I am, aren't I," Lydia admires her future self, "I really got the best of Mum and Daddy."

"You're shameless," Sirius sighs exasperated, "which makes you nearly impossible to embarrass."

The scene switches to a fourth year Iola Potter, who is boarding a whimsical looking plane.

The scene switches to a fourth year Iola Potter, who is boarding a whimsical looking plane

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"What in Merlin's beard?" Sirius asks.

"I have a bad feeling," Lydia placed her hand on her head, and her eyes suddenly flashed silver. "And that solidified it. Something's going to happen. Big."

"I can't believe we're replacing Durmstrang!" Olivia Tare squealed, "it feels surreal."

"Their headmaster was convicted of multiple war crimes," Leopold Miller said truthfully, "and then pardoned for no good reason. It makes perfect sense why they'd want to replace them."

"My Dad says Karkaroff was a mid-tier death eater," Iola says, "who lost his left arm in a duel with my mother."

"I chopped someone's arm off?" Lydia's mouth was opened wide, "COOL!"

"Your Mom was a figurative and literal powerhouse," Lilah Becket stated. She'd dyed her hair once again. This time, she sported sunset hair dye, which went beautifully in her curls. "I'm not surprised she cut someone's arm off. They don't call her England's Bloody Rose for no reason."

"This is going to be a disaster," Iola groaned, "half my family's on the opposition."

"How many family members do you have going?" Lawrence Allen-Smith asked.

"Well," Iola began counting on her fingers, "there's Susan Bones, Callie and Benjy, and Michael and Lydia Corner from Hogwarts. On the Beauxbatons side, there's Neville and Rolf Scamander."

"Rolf's going to Beauxbatons," Nico gagged, "but I hate France?"

"Maybe he's there on an exchange year," Lyetta pointed out, "I went to Castlebruxo one year."

"I thought Rolf went to Castlebruxo?" Leopold Miller questioned.

"He's on an exchange year," Iola explains, "next year he's going to Uagadou. My cousin Pauline asked him to come. Said she never gets to hang out with her favorite cousin."

"So Pauline returns to her roots," Tina smiles, "our children and grandchildren are really spreading around the world, aren't they?"

"They are," Newt smiles back, "I'm glad. The world is a big, beautiful place, filled with so many interesting creatures. No need to stay stagnant."

"Neat," Leopold shrugs, "so we'll get to meet him."

"Yup," Iola smiles, "it'll be nice. Though I hope we win. Otherwise, I'll never hear the end of it."

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