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We all know that god created eve (female )to support adam(male) based on those days. But now... days changed, priorities changed, nature changed, in my opinion total definition of humanity changed, same way male becoming the support of female.
Just like how technology improving from 4G to 5G i hope a woman can improve from standing to flying.


Rushi's pov

I am looking at him for the answer...

He: you are smart.
I: i am not kid... a doctor needs to know patient psychology.
He: ofcourse. Then what do you think the reason is??
I: i don't know and... i don't want to guess.
He smiled.
He: ok then i will tell you. But promise me that you won't blame me for telling truth.
I looked at him confusingly. He looked questioningly.
He: promise me.
I know without giving him anything i can't get anything. I sighed and promised.

He: ok then.

Abhimaan's pov (King),

I know after telling the past incidents she will defnitely curse me and i never want that. But i want her to know my genuine intention.

"  as you asked me about maya and david break up i think you already know their relation right"

She nodded.

" hmm... at first i didn't know that david had crush on maya, as i was busy with my work and i never interacted with her more in college days, but mom used to tell me to take care of her so instead of any bodyguards i used to send david to keep her safe. She never wanted any guards with her, so i respected her freedom, but i can't let anything happen to her. Last months of my 3rd year i went to discuss a deal about my company. When i returned i saw him talking with maya in mobile. I didn't like it, i also saw his laptop screen displaying her photos. I got very angry, although he is my friend i only told him to protect her not to stalk her or fall in love with her. I warned him to stay away from her, as he knew my capability and my family background he was taken a back step. I got to know that maya also liking him, the way she is talking and roaming around him, i got very angry at her behaviour, she is the daughter of Tagore's she can't be silly, even in pitch dark media tries to spot us. I can't let something bad or any unnecessary rumors to spread and if these things known to parents, she will loose all her freedom, you already saw the fight when arun and ame told about their love, if it is maya na then i don't know what grandpa had done. She is the only girl with tagore's blood, i can't let something stupid to happen. So i gave strict warning to david. But when i was not around he always approached her. And at last he propsed her. They became famous couple also. I am very busy to deal with them. "

Doll: wait... hmm... why didn't you warn maya.

" i told her to stay away from david. But she always asks why?? I will get irritated at her stupid behaviour. "

Doll: i think she asks you like a journalist.

" she is stupid"

Doll: so you are angry with her because she gone agaist your words.

" may be"
Doll: ok continue
I can see a slight upsetness in her eyes.

" when i returned from UK they both were very close like water and fish. I slapped david for all these stupid things, there are so many rumours about them, it was just in college if that went out then so many unwanted fights will occur. I am not scared to loose anything but i don't want to see maya hurt she is still a child she can't take harsh behaviour from parents.

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