Chapter 28

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I woke up panicked, rushing around the house in search for Anna, noticing the note she had left me. I didn't like the fact that she had gone without telling me. I was concerned for her, but I knew that my pack was watching her. They would make sure she got to the school alright.

Dylan had informed me that he hadn't sent Sophia to school today, and I didn't blame him. He was worried about her safety, and I agreed that the safest place for her at the moment was at home with her family. He had also assured me that his fighters had spotted Anna entering the school today, so I didn't need to worry about her whereabouts.

Anna not having a phone was freaking me out, and I decided that I would take her to get her one as soon as she got back from work. I needed to be able to communicate with her.

Pulling out my laptop from my bag, I began working on some spreadsheets, running my hand through my hair in angst as I tried to sort out everyone's training regimes. They were compromised at the moment though, and I knew that a lot of them would be having to cut their sessions short to head out and search for Amelia.

There hadn't been any more sightings of the strange man that had been leaving and re-entering the town though, which was good news. It appeared that he had disappeared, and I started to convince myself that it wasn't Anna's Father. It could have just been a coincidence. There was no need to bring it up to her and worry her even more.

I wasn't sure how long I had worked for, but the time seemed to breeze past me, the sound of the front door opening gaining my attention. I instantly wheeled myself over to it, the scent of Anna wafting through the air.

"You're home," I stated, taking in her frown and dishevelled expression.

I didn't even need to ask. I already knew what had happened.

Opening up my arms, Anna moved over to me to wrap hers around me, snuggling her face into my neck.

"They said they wouldn't involve the police if I left," she said, pulling away, and I tucked a strand of her hair behind her ear. I had expected her to look more upset, but she appeared to be taking the news well.

"Are you okay?" I asked, chewing on my bottom lip.

"I think so." Anna nodded, dropping her bag to the ground. "I collected my things I left when Amelia showed up."

"Your phone?" I questioned, and Anna reached into her brown faux leather bag, pulling out her crushed phone, pieces dangling off of it.

I grimaced, taking it from her and studying it, shaking my head. "It's fine. I'll get you a new one. Do you want to come and choose one?"

Anna shrugged, looking a little uneasy. "I don't know. I don't really want to blow my entire pay check on a phone."

I cocked my head at her, offering her a smirk. She already knew that I wasn't going to be letting her purchase it for herself.

"Come on," I said, taking her hand. "Let's go."

"What about Amelia?" Anna asked, pulling me back, digging her heels into the ground.

"The pack are watching. They'll call me the second they pick up her scent," I told her, smiling.

We couldn't allow Amelia to control us. She had made it clear that she wanted me and was going to stop at nothing to get what she wanted, but I didn't care about that. She was never going to have me. I was going to continue to live my life with Anna, ensuring that she was safe by my side.

We couldn't cower in fear and allow her to win. We had the upper hand here. Amelia was greatly outnumbered.

I called a cab for us. I couldn't be bothered to spend twenty minutes walking to the phone store, and I wanted us to be in and out as quickly as possible. Lingering around wasn't safe.

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